Of the original group, Shaun and Liz, are the only 'living' survivors. Shaun is forced to shoot his mother when she becomes a zombie. He turns his anger on David, who becomes reluctant to stay with them while Shaun is there. The zombies break through the windows of the Winchester and drag him out and eat him. Diana chases after David's body in the horde of zombies. Ed gets bitten and is left behind in the basement while Liz and Shaun are rescued by armed forces along with Shaun's friend Yvonne. The zombie terror finishes and the zombies all become trolley collectors and general dogsbodies etc. Liz and Shaun live together in Shaun's house. Shaun goes to the shed, where we find that Zombie Ed has somehow got from the basement to the back shed. They both play games while Ed is chained to the wall.
Laura Coates
Answer: Shaun's last name is Riley. It can be seen on a poster ad from Shaun's DJ days.