Movie Quote Quiz

Elizabeth: Just tell me why.
Lord Robert: Why? Madam, is it not plain enough to you? 'Tis no easy thing to be loved by the queen. It would corrupt the soul of any man.

Lord Robert: Remember who you are. Do not be afraid of them.

Elizabeth: There will be no more talk of marriage.

Elizabeth: I have rid England of her enemies. What do I do now? Am I to be made of stone? Must I be touched by nothing?

Elizabeth: Tonight I think I die.

Walsingham: You were the most powerful man in England. And you could have been greater still, but you had not the courage to be loyal, only the conviction of your own vanity.

Elizabeth: When I am queen, I promise... to act as my conscience dictates.
Queen Mary: Well do not think to be queen at all.

Sir Francis Walsingham: There is so little beauty in this world, and so much suffering. Do you suppose that is what God had in mind? That is to say if there is a god at all. Perhaps there is nothing in this universe but ourselves. And our thoughts.

Elizabeth: Kat... I have become a virgin.

Sussex: Princess Elizabeth. You are accused of conspiring with Sir Thomas Wyatt and others against Her Sovereign Majesty, and are arrested for treason. I have been commanded to take you hence from this place... to the Tower.

Elizabeth: I do not like wars. They have uncertain outcomes.

Lord Robert: Marry me.
Elizabeth: On a night such as this, could any woman say no?
Lord Robert: On a night such as this, could a queen say no?
Elizabeth: Does not a queen sit under the same stars as any other woman?

The Pope: Is it not truly written that the righteous shall inherit the Earth?

Walsingham: All men need something greater than themselves to look up to and worship. They must be able to touch the divine here on earth.

Norfolk: To the North, I present Elizabeth, your undoubted Queen.

Sir Francis Walsingham: All Norfolk need do is sign this paper and treason will have been committed.
Elizabeth: Then let him sign it, and let it all be done.

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Trivia: The film rolls two conspiracies against Elizabeth into one. The first was the Ridolfi plot of 1571, in which the Duke of Norfolk was executed and Arundel arrested. The second culminated in 1586 when a priest named John Ballard was sent by the Pope to coordinate an English Catholic rebellion that would clear the way for an Italian invasion. As far as we know, Sussex and Dudley were not involved in any treachery as alleged in the film. Importantly, the film makes scarce mention of Elizabeth's cousin Mary, Queen of Scots (as a Catholic it was she who the rebels wished on the English throne and she played a central role in all the conspiracies).


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