Corrected entry: When Johnny Depp is talking to Ken Karsch for the first time, Ken pushes down a button on a timer and when he did that another button went up. When they show a cut of Johnny and then go back to Ken, the button that was down is now up and the button that was up is now down and it keeps repeating that whenever the camera cuts back to Ken.
Corrected entry: In the opening scene, Morton Rainey steals the key to a hotel room and jumps into his car and drives to a specific room. When he stops, he gets out of the car, and the sound of a shutting car door is heard. However, at the end of the scene when the camera pans out, the door to Mort's car is open, although he is still inside the hotel room.
Correction: You never hear the car door close the first time. When he drives to the room, you hear the car door slam but you see the reflection of the door closing in the rear view mirrow.
Corrected entry: Throughout the movie Mort Rainey's obviously dyed-blonde hair changes. In the scene where he is going to their burnt house he just has blonde on his ends and in the scene where you first meet him his blonde hair goes almost to his roots. That is just one example. These two scenes happen a few days a part and there is no way his hair could have grown that fast.
Correction: From the time we first meet Mort (when he catches his wife with another man), to the time the action of the movie takes place, there is a six-month interval, during which his hair could've grown out considerably.
Corrected entry: After Mort has killed Ted and his wife, all of the Shooter carvings on the wall are gone.
Correction: Enough time has passed between the kills and the sheriff showing up for the corn to fully grow, that's plenty of time for Mort to sand them out or fill them in.
Correction: The carvings can still be seen on the coffee table and on the wall at the back of the landing at the top of the stairs when the Sheriff is in Mort's house. The coffee table is noticeably sanded, and the back wall of the upstairs landing is also noticeably sanded and painted over with black. You can still see "SHOOTER" carved in both. The ceiling-slats behind Mort also appear to be sanded, but they are too out of focus to see anything other than they are a lighter color than the other slats.
Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when Amy visits Mort, the cabin walls all have "Shooter - Kill Her" etched into the wood. But when the sheriff shows up, the carvings are gone.
Corrected entry: The ease with which Mort gets away with 4 murders seems too good to be true. Firstly, why didn't the investigating cops take a look at the freshly dug up ground which was to become his corn patch? With Mort being the only real suspect it's impossible that they wouldn't have dug up the ground or used ground penetrating radar around his house. Secondly, he had to hide no fewer than 3 cars, not an easy task and the conveniently located nearby body of water would almost certainly have been searched by divers. Thirdly, it's unlikely that he could have cleared up all the forensic evidence of the murders around his house such as blood and fibres. Finally, how would he have completely erased all the engravings on the furniture and walls, at least one of which definitely says "shoot her" (across a doorway)?
Correction: First, it's a small town with probably little money for funding the police and their investigations, when Mort goes to the cops they could barely do anything for him. You need a warrant to search a person's property, as for the cars, he may not have gotten rid of them at all, but told the police he found the one just sitting at his house. And as for the door, furniture and walls, all of that stuff can be replaced or simply sanded out.
Correction: actually, Johnny leans forward and hits the other button, which causes it to reverse, then mr. Karsch hits the button a few seconds later, to start the timer again.