Edward D. Wood, Jr.: They're driving me crazy. These Baptists are stupid. Stupid. stupid.
Bunny Breckinridge: Oh, what does that old queen know?
Nurse: Oh my goodness, you gave me the willies! You look like that Dracula guy.
Bela Lugosi: My name is Bela Lugosi... and I wish to commit myself.
Nurse: For what reason?
Bela Lugosi: I have been a drug addict for twenty years. I need help.
Criswell: Bela, would you like a wine?
Bela Lugosi: No. I never drink... wine.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Listen, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime, grab some dinner, maybe?
Vampira: You mean a date? I thought you were a fag.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: No, no, I'm just a transvestite.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: I met Bela Lugosi.
Dolores Fuller: Why, I thought he was dead.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: No, he's very much alive. Well, sort of.
Chosen answer: Because the Special Edition is about to be released. See http://www.dvdauthority.com/reviews.asp?reviewID=3687.
J I Cohen