Nick: Hey, Mr. Peanut Butter Cups.
Henry: Hey, Mr. Could-Kill-Me-In-One-Punch.
Henry: Ula! Get back to cleaning the pool! And if that's one of your special brownies, don't let any of the dolphins eat that.
Ula: How do you think I get the dolphins to do double-flips and play with the white kids?
Dr. Keats: Tom lost part of his brain in a hunting accident. His memory only lasts ten seconds.
Ten Second Tom: I was in an accident? That's terrible.
Dr. Keats: Don't worry, you're totally gonna get over it in about three seconds.
Ten Second Tom: Get over it? I mean, what happened? Did I get shot in the brain... Hi. I'm Tom.
Marlin: Doug, once again, off the juice.
Doug: It'th not juithe. It'th a protein thake.
Dr. Keats: And now ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you to our most distinguished clinical subject: Tom.
Ten Second Tom: Hi, I'm Tom.
Henry: Henry.
Marlin: Marlin.
Doug: Doug.
Lucy: Lucy.
Ten Second Tom: Hi. Oh, those are cool flip flops. Where did you get them?
Doug: You like those? It's interesting story. I was over on the North Shore the other day.
Ten Second Tom: Hi, I'm Tom.
Henry: Henry.
Ten Second Tom: Hi.
Marlin: Marlin.
Update Video: April: Snoop quits weed.
Update Video: May: Snoop back on weed.
Henry: I need you to get me two fish from the barrel. Now.
Alexa: Okay.
Henry: Just hang in there.
Alexa: Here.
Henry: It's gonna be all right. That's a little warm. Go to the bottom of the barrel please. Okay, there. That's good. Thank you. Come on, buddy. Take it. Take it.
Alexa: He's not responding.
Henry: I know, Alexa! Sorry I smacked you with that. You needed the fish-slap to calm down. Do you understand?
Alexa: Yes.
Henry: Are you calm?
Alexa: Yes. Fish-slap calm me.
Dr. Keats: Little Sammy Sosa's a bit shook up, but she'll be okay. She's watching the tape as we speak.
Henry: Good. How's my temporal lobe looking there, Doc?
Dr. Keats: Don't worry. You're not gonna suffer any short term memory loss. But was your head shaped like an egg before she hit you?
Doug: Hey! Don't make fun of Henry, all right? It'th not hith fault hith head'th thaped like that.
Dr. Keats: Note the intense overreaciton. That's the 'roids talking.
Henry: Okay, this is her. Start beating me up. Make it look good.
Ula: Give me your wallet. Okay, haole, what do you think? You can come to this island, eat our pineapple.
Henry: Help me! Not so hard. Take it easy.
Ula: Try to bang our women. Making my sister clean your hotel room.
Henry: Okay. What does that have to do with this? Relax. Hey! Hey! Help me, please.
Ula: Stupid haole.
Dr. Keats: All I know about walruses is that out of all mammals they have the second largest penis. I have the first.
Henry: That's my joke.
Henry: Can I ask you guys something? What's gonna happen down the line? Someday she's gonna wake up and look in the mirror and notice her face's aged ten years overnight.
Marlin: You know something, Henry? I worry about that every day of my damn life.
Henry: I bet you twenty bucks, I can get her to have breakfast with me again.
Nick: You're on.
Marlin: You sure you don't want to take Doug with you?
Henry: Hey! What the heck are you guys doing here?
Dr. Keats: It could be worse.
Lucy: Yeah? How?
Dr. Keats: I think you should meet ten second Tom.
Henry: See what happens when you play with sharks.
Ula: Sharks are like dogs, they only bite when you touch their private parts.
Patient #1: Do you know who that guy is?
Patient #2: Dude, I don't even know who I am.
Henry: Hi. Sorry for the delay. Should be a few minutes.
Lucy: No problem. No worries.
Henry: Where are you coming form? Breakfast?
Lucy: Yeah.
Henry: How was it?
Lucy: I had waffles. They were delicious.
Henry: I like making little houses out of waffles.
Lucy: You do?
Henry: That's my thing. What's your name?
Lucy: Lucy.
Henry: Hi, I'm Henry.
Henry: I was petting my walrus all morning and I was thinking of you the whole time.
Lucy: Okay, pervert. I think that you should leave.
Henry: What? I was just joking around because of what we talked about yesterday.
Lucy: Yesterday? I've never even met you.
Henry: Pardon me. Sorry to interrupt, but I notice we were both eating alone and I thought perhaps I could sit with you, maybe build a syrup Jacuzzi for your waffle house?
Lucy: Oh, that would be nice, but I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry.
Henry: You're making up a boyfriend so you can get rid of me?
Lucy: No. I'm not.
Henry: What's his name then?
Lucy: Ringo.
Henry: Is his last name, Starr?
Lucy: No. McCartney.
Chosen answer: Lucy's father previously told Henry that she only sings on days that she meets him - then you see a flash of her painting in the garage, singing a Beach Boys song. Right before he hands Henry the Beach Boys CD, he tells him that she's even singing again. Henry realized as he listened to CD - maybe if she is singing again, she is thinking of him, hence, remembering him. (It happens to be the same song that she was singing in the garage that's playing on the boat when Henry turns around to go back. It's called 'Wouldn't It Be Nice').
Why wouldn't the father just tell him directly "hey she's been painting and singing again, so she probably might remember you"