James Bond: Good evening, sir.
M: It happens to be 3 a.m. When do you sleep, 007?
James Bond: Never on the Crown's time, sir.
James Bond: Tell me Miss Trench, do you play any other games?
James Bond: One takes cyanide, another would let her arm be broken, neither will talk. Who puts that sort of fear into people?
Photographer: You'll be sorry! You'll all be sorry, you rats.
Honey Ryder: Have you any idea what they'll do with us?
James Bond: No idea. No door handles or windows, either.
Honey Ryder: It's a prison, then.
James Bond: Mink-lined with first-class service.
James Bond: It's a Smith and Wesson, and you've had your six.
Miss Taro: What's going on behind my back?
James Bond: Look, no hands.
James Bond: Tell me, does the toppling of American missiles really compensate for having no hands?
Hotel Valet: One medium dry vodka martini, mixed like you said, sir, and not stirred.
James Bond: Thank you.
James Bond: That's a naughty little habit. Listening at keyholes?
James Bond: Now, don't worry, Quarrel. Everything's going to be fine.
Quarrel: You say so, Captain. Bottom part of where my belly used to be tells me different.
James Bond: For me, Crab Key's going to be a gentle relaxation.
Felix Leiter: From what? Dames?
James Bond: No, from being a clay pigeon.
Dr. No: A medium dry martini, lemon peel, shaken, not stirred.
James Bond: Vodka?
Dr. No: Of course.
Felix Leiter: You Limeys can be pretty touchy about trespassing.
James Bond: Both hands on the wheel, Mr. Jones, I'm a very nervous passenger.
Felix Leiter: Felix Leiter, Central Intelligence Agency. You must be James Bond.
James Bond: You mean we're fighting the same war?
James Bond: You believe in living dangerously. I can see that.
Miss Taro: What do you mean?
James Bond: Sitting around with wet hair, you'll die of pneumonia.
Dr. No: That's a Dom Perignon '55. It would be a pity to break it.
James Bond: I prefer the '53 myself.
Answer: It's obvious what he does between those times. In "Goldfinger," Felix Leiter sees him just moseying off between an event and the climax of the movie and says to his pal "Ten'll get you one it's a drink or a dame." No doubt Bond's using his time...productively.