Character mistake: The menu selection screen on "Mother" has "L. ALLIGNMENT" mis-spelled. (00:08:55)
Character mistake: While entering the atmosphere of LV-426 when the ships starts to shake in a turbulence, there is a close-up at Ripley's screen showing the terrain and at the bottom of that screen we can see "WEYLAN YUTANI NOSTROMO 180246." The correct name of the Company is WEYLAND YUTANI and Nostromo's registration number is 180924609. (00:16:35)

Character mistake: When Ripley is talking to "mother" by typing, it types "Emergency command overide 100375". "Override" should be spelt with two R's. (01:19:34)
Character mistake: When Ripley interfaces with Mother for the first time and sees the special order, an instruction reads as "Insure return of organism" rather than "Ensure return."
Character mistake: When the crew come upon the space traveler in the derelict space craft one of them says he is fossilized. For fossilization to occur the tissue must be replaced by minerals from surrounding materials. That is why fossils are found in the ground. When the creature dies it must be covered with dirt or mud before it decomposes. Over time the minerals in the dirt replace the tissue. But the space traveler is sitting in the pilot chair, completely open to the environment and not covered with anything. The term they should have been looking for was 'mummification' or perhaps 'skeletonization'.
Character mistake: Ripley identifies herself as 3rd officer. She is actually a 2nd officer.
Answer: It's another race of space alien that is also subject to infection by the Aliens. This particular one was infected and moved as far as it could from its race's known space and broadcast a warning before it died. The presence of eggs in the hold may indicate that it was a research ship. The race was never used in other Alien movies because it adds a new dynamic to the plotlines: two alien species, locked in mortal combat and neither particularly friendly with humans. In the Alien pseudo-prequel Prometheus we learn these beings are known as the Engineers and have interesting ties with both the aliens and humans as well.