Factual error: When Frances' friend Patti is close to give birth to her daughter, Frances says "Florence is one hour from here". Actually, Florence would be two hours and something from there. And anyway, there are several hospitals closer to Cortona. (Frances and Patti are not related even though Frances, at the 1 year Freedom celebration dinner at the beginning,announces that she is "going to be an auntie." In the scene where Frances calls Marcello to tell him she can't meet him, says tells Patti, "I want to spend time with my creepy American friend.")
Suggested correction: Regarding the use of the terms "auntie" and "uncle." I have a "zillion" NON BIOLOGICAL aunts and uncles. It is a custom in many Hispanic and Asian cultures to call close adult family friends Auntie and Uncle. Also in the movie Francis calls The Blessed Mother, The Virgin Mary or Jesus' mother, Mary - however you may refer to her - as "Aunt Mary." Obviously, she is not related to Jesus mother. Using auntie and uncle for non biological relatives is a term of respect and endearment.