Count Saknussem: I don't sleep. I hate those little slices of death.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: Are we to be abducted every day in Iceland?
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: A field of force that snatches gold away! This is it, this is it! The junction of magnetic forces from the North Pole to the South Pole - the center of the earth.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: Your entire presence is a constant criticism of me. I'm tired of it, I've had enough.
Carla Goetabaug: You've had enough! Well, let me tell you, you... you dried up walnut of a man, if anyone's had enough, it's me.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: It's I.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: We'll observe one minute of silence in memory of a great scientist, even if he was a blasted thief.
Carla Goetabaug: Someone is walking up there. I heard footsteps, human footsteps.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: Madam, since the beginning of time, all women have heard footsteps "up there."
Alec McKuen: After all, we... we did hit the center of the earth.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: It hit us, laddie.
Carla Goetabaug: You know, it's one thing to spend ones days and nights with a man under the earth, another under one roof in Scotland.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: Well, ehh... what do you propose?
Carla Goetabaug: Oh, that's not a word I'd bandy about, Professor.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: What did I say? Which word?
Carla Goetabaug: I thought it would catch in your throat.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: Do you realise we know less about the earth we live on than about the stars and the galaxies of outer space? The greatest mystery is right here, right under our feet.
Carla Goetabaug: Whom did you intend to take along besides this young man?
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: The big Icelander.
Carla Goetabaug: Then I'll be very useful. He doesn't understand a word of English.
Laird of Glendarick: Sir Oliver, in the name of the whole student body, in gratitude for the knowledge you have imparted to us.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: That's enough obituary prose. An inkwell I presume. A very handsome thing. Hellish to dust.
Alec McKuen: There'll never be a better moment than today. I'm going to tell him about our feelings for each other. He'll say yes almost inadvertently.
Jenny: Well, what if he says no, advertently?
Count Saknussemm: To save what we can, I insist that we leave these regions at once.
Sir Oliver Lindenbrook: You insist? As a matter of fact, he's bloody well right. Let's be off.
Answer: It's just an added sound effect that foreshadows an ominous event (the giant reptile) that is about to happen. It's not meant to be anything naturally occurring.
raywest ★