Demolition Man

Revealing mistake: Watch closely as Phoenix is about to fight the cops near the computer kiosk: the same two people wearing white robes pass behind the officer with the hand-held computer twice. (00:25:30)

Revealing mistake: The cables Spartan slices in order to bring down the parasol, have quickreleases on them so that they snap in the right place. This is best visible with the second one. (01:01:50)


Revealing mistake: When Cocteau's corpse is thrown into the fireplace, you can see that it is a dummy due to the fact the the hair is longer and shaggy. (01:38:05)


Revealing mistake: Towards the end of the movie, when Spartan goes after Phoenix in the cryolab, he fires several rounds at him with his Beretta 92 handgun and the slide locks back indicating he is out of rounds. The camera pans to a shot of a crane as he inserts a new magazine and is about to pull on the slide. However, when the camera returns to him, he pulls the slide back and a round can be seen ejecting out, indicating he hit the slide release before pulling the slide back.


Revealing mistake: When Simon Phoenix needs to get out of the cryo-prison, we are led to believe he removes the eyeball and put it on the nib of a fountain pen. When he scans the eyeball to get out of the prison, the outer edges shows that the scanned eyeball is still in the eye socket. You can see the eyelids on the in the top right and bottom right edges of the shot.


Revealing mistake: During the fight at the end the blood spot on Spartan's top looks more like an ironed on T-shirt transfer than a tear and cut, you can also see the shine from on it from the surrounding lights.

Revealing mistake: During the slo-mo portion of the fight between Spartan and Phoenix, Snipes intentionally slowed down his movements to allow Stallone more time to smash the glass tube; this is not consistent with the other fights in the film where Snipes was always quicker with his actions.

Continuity mistake: When Simon Phoenix gets out of the sewer system (after gunning it out with the rebels and John Spartan) his left eye has the brown contact and his right eye has the blue one after going the entire movie with those contacts in the opposite eyes. (01:30:25)

More mistakes in Demolition Man

John Spartan: Brake! Brake! Brake now, you Mickey Mouse-piece of shit!

More quotes from Demolition Man

Trivia: The 'particle gun' that Phoenix picks up in the museum is actually a prototype of the real-life Heckler&Koch G11 rifle, the first gun ever to fire caseless ammunition. The gun and its ammo were developed in the Cold War to save the expenses for the cartridge case production. It was tested and modified for field use, but with the collapse of the Soviet state (which ended the Cold War) in 1991, the production program was cancelled. (00:45:30)

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Question: Why was Simon allowed a damn at the joy joy feeling machine thingy while John was fined for one while talking to his friend?

Answer: I'm assuming you're referring to when Simon says "Damn, I'm possessed!" He was hacking the machine when he said it, perhaps he'd corrupted the program or shut off the microphone as a side effect?

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Note that when Spartan is fined for swearing, the machine uses his full name. When Phoenix is fined, the machine only refers to him as "You" ("You are fined 1 credit...") as he isn't recognised because he doesn't have a chip. Presumably he's expected to take the ticket and pay the fine even if the machine didn't automatically know it was him.

Also notable is that when Lenina swore she was fined only one half a credit instead of a full credit. Probably because she is a cop.


No, I think she got fined only a half credit because it was a *sotto voce* violation (under her breath).

Strange, I can swear somebody already mentioned that once before.


Wait a minute, is that trivia?


Answer: Phoenix has no sub-dermal microchip in his hand. Per Huxley, all transactions are done with this chip. That would mean fines are also generated per person based on this chip too.

Except when Simon is trying to get a gun, he keeps swearing at the booth which constantly fines him.

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