Taylor: Children have fought wars, have built nations. They are strong and have courage, don't treat them any less than that because they're young.
Kane: You're all gonna die in there! All of you! You are gonna die.
Carol Anne: Hi, Grandma. Do you have wings now? My ballerina costume does. Grandma? Who are you? No, uh-ah. I don't remember. What?
Toy robot: Hello, little one. I am your friend. We want the angel.
Robbie Freeling: Carol Anne, what is going on? Carol Anne, what are you doing? Carol Anne, come on. What are you doing?
Robbie Freeling: Dad, are we gonna have to move again?
Steve Freeling: I don't know Robbie. I'm gonna think about it.
Diane: Where could we go?
Carol Anne Freeling: Disneyland?
Robbie Freeling: Oh puke, don't be such an infant.
Diane: Shhh.
Carol Anne Freeling: Ok, what about Dunkin' Donuts?
Robbie Freeling: Shut up, jerko.
Carol Ann: They're back.
Answer: According to IMDb, a scene was scripted, but never filmed, explaining that she was away at college. The actual reason for her absence was because Dominique Dunne, the actress who played Dana in the first film, was murdered by her boyfriend shortly after the theatrical release of the first film.
Ironically, the young actress who played the youngest daughter, Carol Anne, died just a few years later (from natural causes).
raywest ★