Pistachio Disguisey: Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club. Turtle, turtle, turtle.
Pistachio Disguisey: Can I help you?
Grandfather Disguisey: I have come to help you, Pistachio.
Pistachio Disguisey: Help me what?
Grandfather Disguisey: Find your mother and your father. My son.
Pistachio Disguisey: My father... your son... Holy canoli! You are my sister.
Pistachio Disguisey: But, Papa, don't preach. I'm in trouble deep, and I'm keeping my baby.
Jennifer: ...And now I believe that you can do anything.
Pistachio Disguisey: Ah! That's very nice but not exactly true, I... I can't turn mud into oatmeal, for example, I can't build a spaceship that will travel to Pluto.
Pistachio Disguisey: It's so crazy, it just might work.
Chosen answer: Bowman has captured Fabrizzio, and he has to do something with Mrs. Disguisey, so he says "Thanks to a special potion we put in the caramel corn, she thinks she is still at home preparing dinner," and then we see her on the TV screen eating the caramel corn and making food. She then later "pretends" to prepare food, then when Bowman tells the guard to pounce on Mrs. Disguisey, she whacks him, as if she were aware that she has been captured. She then informs the camera "No more caramel corn for me."
Hamster ★