Corrected entry: In the scene when Maryanne is in the gazebo, Matty introduces her as Maryanne. Why would Maryanne, who was really Matty, not have said something?
Corrected entry: In the scene where Kathlene Turner first meets William Hurt, he buys her a sno-cone. As they converse, she eats it past the point where you can't see anything over the edge of the little paper cone, then suddenly it is back to being much higher than the lip of the cone.
Correction: If you've ever eaten one of those horrible little sugar-bombs, you know the technique - when the sorbet starts to recede below the line of the paper, you give it a bit of a squeeze to push it out again. Beats biting on soggy paper, eh?
Correction: The two women have a long, complex and at least partially criminal history together. Obviously the fake Matty hasn't told the real Matty the whole story (i.e., I am going to kill you) but she obviously thinks she is in on one of (fake) Matty's schemes.