Pet Sematary II

Revealing mistake: When the kids are burying Gus, his supposedly dead face flinches when they shovel dirt on him.

Revealing mistake: When Gus is putting the kid in the body bag, there is a close up of the kids' faces. Just as Gus is zipping the bag shut the dead kid blinks.

Revealing mistake: When Chase is turning Marjorie's body you can see that the actress is breathing.

Revealing mistake: When Drew is carrying Zowie to bury him, you can tell its a fake stuffed dog.

Continuity mistake: When Gus goes back to Clyde's dead body, he rolls him in the body bag and you see Clyde's one eye shut. But when he zippers up the bag Clyde's eye is open.

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Drew Gilbert: Come on Clyde, just tell him where the cat is.
Clyde Parker: I all ready told where the cat is, now shut UP dick WAD... What? You gonna sic big bad old Gus on me?

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Trivia: Originally Stephen King's name was included with the opening credits; but after seeing a rough cut of the film, he hated it so much he demanded that his name by taken off the film, and all advertisements.

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