Honda: I'm sumo, brother. My body could be in one place, my mind another.
Balrog: Next time your mind leaves, tell it to bring back a pizza.
Bison: Dee Jay, has the AN deposited the twenty million in my Swiss bank?
[Dee Jay checks and finds the account empty.]
Dee Jay: Hell no, General.
Carlos Blanka: Help me!
Colonel Guile: I'll help you. Then, I'll make them pay.
Bison: The temple above us was the wonder of the ancient world. Bisonnapolis shall be the wonder of my world. I think the food court should be larger. All the big franchises will want in.
Bison: Now, Miss Zhang, you'll witness firsthand the power that you spurned.
Zangief: General Bison is a bad guy? If you know then why do you work for him?
Dee Jay: Because he paid me a freakin fortune, Man! If you know what's good for you you'll save your own ass.
Zangief: got paid?
Victor Sagat: This isn't over, Guile. I own this city.
Colonel Guile: Well, I'm the repo man, and you're out of business.
Colonel Guile: Bison. Are you man enough to fight me?
Bison: Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed.
E. Honda: Watch your back, Li.
Chun Li: Oh, I didn't know you cared.
Balrog: We don't. You're the only one who can pay for our expense accounts.
Bison: Merely educational software. Why does he find it disturbing?
Dr. Dhalsim: Because, unlike you, he's not psychotic.
Victor Sagat: Vega is the greatest cage fighter since Iron Fist.
Ken: What happened to him?
Victor Sagat: He retired... and became me.
Bison: You have made me a very happy man.
Colonel Guile: And next, I'll make you a dead one.
Zangief: Quick, change the channel.
Capt. Sawada: A single boat against everything he's got? The pilot would have to be out of his mind.
Colonel Guile: Luckily, Bison has driven me crazy... so I'm going to do it.
Bison: Game over.
Bison: All I want to do is rule the world, is that so much to ask?
Chosen answer: Fei Long was originally intended to be in the film, but was replaced by the character Captain Sawada.