Black and White TV: A bargain in every buck! A buck in every pocket! A pocket in... um... every trouser! Ernie's Bargain Circus, where you ride the Ferris Wheel of Values for a better tomorrow.
Elmo St. Peters: Now where did that radio go? I could have sworn I left it right here in this very spot. What did it do, just get up and walk away?
Air Conditioner: The whole bunch of you gotta have a combined wattage of maybe five, maybe less. It's been years. It's scrap metal time.
The Radio: I've always loved travel anyway: the open road, the smell of the wind in my face, the flies clogging up my grill.
Lampy: I remember the first time my bulb burned out. And I thought, "That's it! I'm burnt out! Eighty-sixed! To the showers!" But then the master gave me a brand new bulb... and I just glowed.
Toaster: Well, you can do what you like. We're not gonna give up hope.
Air Conditioner: That's real touchin', Toaster. You're gonna get me bawling like a baby anytime now.
Toaster: I think you're jealous.
Air Conditioner: Sure, I'm jealous of a bunch of dimwits.
Lampy: Dim?
Toaster: Yeah, because the master never played with you.
Kirby: Because you're stuck in a wall.
Toaster: If a dog can do it, WE can do it.
Blanky: But a dog has legs.
Toaster: Ah, don't be a wet blanket.
The Radio: Why, I don't believe I've ever seen quite so many smiles before.
Kirby: I've never seen contraptions with so many buttons and knobs and dials before.
Computer: Naturally, we are on the cutting edge of technology.
Lampy: Wow.
The Radio: Well, what does that mean?
Lampy: I don't know. What's that mean?
Entertainment Center: Plugsy.
Plugsy: Yeah?
Entertainment Center: Did you hear that? He's taking some old... stuff to the dorm instead of us.
Answer: It is referring to a moment during the song "Worthless" toward the end of the movie, right before the Red Car sings. The photos he takes out have pictures of what looks like some exotic dancers on them.