The Caller: If you have to ask, you're not ready to know yet.
The Caller: Deception can't go unrewarded.
The Caller: Wait till it goes national. ABC, CBS, CNN, UPN, you're gonna have the whole alphabet.
Stu: Nice try pal, go to hell.
The Caller: [Cocks gun] Now doesn't that just torque your jaws? I love that. You know like in the movies just as the good guy is about to kill the bad guy, he cocks his gun. Now why didn't he have it cocked? Because that sound is scary. It's cool, isn't it? (00:22:00)
The Caller: This is exciting. You get to choose between them. Kelly. Pam. BAM BAM.
The Caller: This guy is getting on my nerves.
Stu: You shoot the guy, and I'm responsible?
The Caller: It looked that way from up here.
Stu: I don't know what I did to you, but whatever it was I'm glad. Alright, I wish it had been worse, I wish you had fucking died.
The Caller: Yes! Finally some honesty.
The Caller: It's not in your best interest to disconnect me.
Stu: So you're an actor?
The Caller: Yes, one of your pathetic failed ones. You don't have to come find me and ruin me, I can't get work as it is. I've done some off-Broadway, some off-Manhattan, but that dried up. Now I wait tables, clean toilets, anything I can to make the rent. I'm a walking cliché.
Felicia: You better get out of there before he come back and kick yo' ass.
The Caller: Come on Stu. You're a selfish guy. Just pick one of them and save yourself.
Capt. Ramey: And Jonah, don't look up.
The Caller: At least now you'll die with a clean conscience.
Stu: No, you're the one who's gonna fucking die.
Capt. Ramey: Who's your lawyer?
Kelly Shepard: We don't have a lawyer.
Capt. Ramey: He specifically asked that his attorney be brought down here to negotiate his surrender.
Kelly Shepard: Well, we never needed one.
Capt. Ramey: Well, you need a good one now.
Stu: Where? Where are you?
The Caller: There are hundred of windows out there. Why don't you check them out?
The Caller: Stu, if you hang up, I will kill you.
The Caller: Come on, Stu! Don't you get the game yet?
Stu: Don't you dare fucking hurt her.
The Caller: Don't I dare?
Stu: The first step to being noticed is being mentioned.
The Caller: Stand up and be a man.
Answer: He doesn't have time for him.