Coyote Ugly

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Violet writes "Right Kind of Wrong," she plays the first two chords of the song backwards on the keyboard. The chords in the song go from a higher chord to a lower chord, and she plays as if it was the other way, moving her right hand from the lower notes to the higher notes on the keyboard. (00:08:50)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Violet sings for Kevin for the first time, he starts to switch the lights off. Notice when he has turned off the lamps, the room is still very bright, but when he blows the candle out, the room is suddenly totally dark. That single candle could not possibly have lit-up the room and the characters the way it did, after the electrical light was switched off. (00:58:20)

Continuity mistake: Violet drives through the toll booth on her way to sing her song. Then she says that she couldn't do it and made a big U turn. The toll booth wasn't that far behind her but it seemed like she drove a mile and a half before she reached it. (01:27:10)

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Violet: Cammie, I think I just fell in love with you.
Cammie: Oh Violet, I'm not a lesbian. I played in the minors but never went pro.
Violet: That's not, what I meant.

More quotes from Coyote Ugly

Trivia: Michael Bay, a long-time collaborator of the film's producer Jerry Bruckheimer, makes a cameo as a photographer.

Jedd Jong

More trivia for Coyote Ugly

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