Plot hole: In the first Jungle Book movie, the role of the vultures is that they do not seem to be hesitant when helping the boy, Mowgli in need of help from Shere Khan. However, in this movie, when their obnoxious vulture friend is attacked by Shere Khan, they do absolutely nothing to help him and in fact, fly away cowardly. Did they suddenly lose all of their courage?
The Jungle Book 2 (2003)
1 plot hole - chronological order
Directed by: Steve Trenbirth
Starring: John Goodman, Mae Whitman, Haley Joel Osment, Tony Jay, Connor Funk
Plot hole: In the first Jungle Book movie, the role of the vultures is that they do not seem to be hesitant when helping the boy, Mowgli in need of help from Shere Khan. However, in this movie, when their obnoxious vulture friend is attacked by Shere Khan, they do absolutely nothing to help him and in fact, fly away cowardly. Did they suddenly lose all of their courage?
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Answer: New animators had a different idea of how she should look and act; it is the same in almost every Disney sequel.