Corrected entry: When Matt Murdock first loses his sight, he is woken up in hospital room by the sound made by an IV drip (which we see in the room), amplified by his new Daredevil senses. Terrified by the noise he gets out of bed and writhes around the room. There is no sign of a needle in his arm and there appears to be no-one else in the room, so what was the IV connected to? Same goes for the heart monitor. (00:09:00)
Corrected entry: Daredevil covers his ears in pain when the first train goes past, then why didnt he cover his ears when the C Train came past and ran over Quesada? (00:25:42)
Correction: He probably left as the guy lying on the tracks was threatning him.
Corrected entry: When Daredevil and Bullseye are fighting in the church, a sniper is assigned to take position on a nearby roof. The sniper than takes aim, and immediately fires through stain-glass window of the church, peircing into the hand of Bullseye. How did the sniper see through this glass in the first place? If he were to see shadows or figures, there would be no proof indicating who he is exactly shooting at. And if my knowledge is correct, snipers are usually picky upon when they shoot at enemies. They just dont fire away the first chance they get.
Correction: The captain ordered the sniper to fire the very first chance he got.
Corrected entry: In the fight between Bullseye and Elektra, Bullseye hits the sword out of her hands. Then mysteriously Bullseye has the knife to stab Elektra.
Corrected entry: When Elektra's father dies, Daredevil's baton/cane was the weapon, obviously the only one he had to hand, because he gets a bit panicked when he realises he's facing Bullseye without it. So where does the grappling hook come from that he uses to escape?
Correction: DareDevil caries two batons, one on his thigh and one in his boot. Bullseye takes his main baton, and DareDevil leaves with his back-up baton, which contains the grappling hook.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Daredevil is chasing the criminal to the subway, the bad guy trips and falls into a puddle. As he gets up and starts to run again, we see Daredevil's reflection in the puddle gaining on him, but when Daredevil lands in the puddle, his feet are facing the direction he just came from as if he is heading in the other direction, away from the bad guy. (00:24:25)
Correction: The criminal went the opposite direction when he got up because DD is in the direction he was heading.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Daredevil's father is killed, we see the body as young Matt runs to him. The father's head is to the left. When young Matt is crushing the rose, and the camera pans back, the father's head is to the right. (00:16:50)
Correction: The first shot is Matt walking up to his dad's body. The second shot is Matt sitting with his dad's head in his lap. Matt must have turned his dad's head when he put it in his lap.
Corrected entry: During the fight scene on the rooftop between Bullseye and Electra they cut to a scene where Electra is wearing a dog-collar, after Bullseye throws the card Electra is not wearing the dog-collar.
Correction: When Bullseye throws the card he slices the thin material of the choker, leaving a shallow cut on her neck.
Corrected entry: How would Kingpin know about Bullseye's death so quickly?
Corrected entry: At the end, when Ben is typing the ''Daredevil Revealed'' document, he presses the Delete button and deletes the document, but in order to delete something with that button you would have to select the whole document and then press Delete.
Correction: Ben is using a Mac where the delete key he is using acts as a backspace.
Corrected entry: How the hell did DD survive Bullseye's plate? It hit directly in the gullet I know DD is a strong guy but his neck muscles wouldn't be able to stop the plate from his gullet.
Correction: The plate hit DD in the chin, not the neck, it isn't a fatal blow.
Corrected entry: When Matt wakes up for the first time as an adult, gets ready and puts on his suit, watch what is right on the drawer when he picks up his watch and sunglasses. Is that a PDA? Why would a blind man have a PDA? It couldn't belong to his girlfriend, because she states on the answering machine that she's never been to his place. I doubt that it's Foggy's, either. So what's it doing there? (00:18:15)
Correction: There are special PDAs for the blind. See
Corrected entry: How can Daredevil "hear" the bullets, and dodge them? Bullets go faster than sound.
Correction: He can hear the bullets loading into the chambers. Besides, most small arms fire is subsonic.
Corrected entry: Right after we see the grown up Matt Murdock for the first time, right after he gets out of "bed", he turns on the music to its maximum volume. He can't bear noise, so why can he stand hearing loud music?
Correction: It's not so much the volume that bothers him. The music is soothing to him and being so loud would drown out the noise of the city. The train and the bell bother him because of the type of sound created.
Corrected entry: When Matt goes to check his answering machine, you see a white button. This button is used to turn that particular answering machine on or off. If the machine were on, the button would be red. How did he get a new message if the machine wasn't on?
Correction: The red light is flashing even before he touches the machine. Also he presses the silver button at the bottom. The white button is to the left in between the flashing light and the button he presses.
Corrected entry: In the first scene when the priest puts the flame in front of Matt's face, Matt has brown eyes, yet later in the movie when we have the flashback leading up to that point they are blue and return to being brown again once we return to the church just before the final showdown between Daredevil and Bullseye.
Correction: His eyes are always that white-blue,it's just the light makes it look different.That scene it's actually very well done because with the flame the black of the eye grows but because he is suppose to be blind it doesn't. Very cool.
Corrected entry: During the sex scene, wouldn't Elektra find it strange that a blind lawyer has so many scars all over his back?
Correction: She DOES find it strange, just look at her face when she touches the scars.
Corrected entry: Daredevil has the super-hero powers to dodge bullets and does this blind by using his ears. But how can Daredevil dodge bullets if bullets travel faster than sound. Sound travels at 344 meters per second while bullets range from around 300 - 1200. This is shown greatly when he moves bullseye's hand into the way of the bullet. It's just not possible.
Correction: He can't dodge bullets, but as with the sniper, he can hear the bullet load or the trigger start to be pulled right before it shoots.
Corrected entry: Daredevil leaves his mask on the floor of the Kingpin's office after their battle, yet when Matt and Foggy are discussing the incident in the cafe afterwards, it is treated only as hearsay that Daredevil was even there, and Matt pretends to disbelieve it entirely.
Correction: Sometimes cops withold evidence, this could be the case since the cop in charge doesn't want the word to get out and have all this people seeking justice on their own.
Corrected entry: Elektra is convinced that Daredevil killed her father because his club was used as a murder weapon, but she doesn't seem to notice that Bullseye was even there. Didn't the huge motorcycle explosion a few moments before draw her attention?
Correction: His new senses are powerful enough to hear the IV and heart monitor of another patient in another room.