Question: Shouldn't Dr Jonas and his men have been arrested for what they did? And shouldn't the guys who employed have been arrested too?
Question: When Alice goes to find Jerry in the mental institution and pays the guard to help her find him, she tells the guard to call the cops to tell them where she is as she gets closer to finding him. Why does she want them to know what she's doing? If she hadn't, Jerry would not have been shot.
Answer: Alice, being a lawyer and not a police officer or law enforcement officer, would need back up and or firepower to aid her in her rescuing of Jerry. If she had not had bothered with the authorities then she'd likely end up dead as well as Jerry getting shot. Remember that it was Jonas who shot Jerry and this would have happened whether the authorities had been called or not. (I think) also Alice is just one lone figure. Against a whole army of baddies.
Question: In the end of the movie when Jerry is shot, why is he airlifted to another hospital, doesn't the mental hospital have a trauma center?
Answer: Yes, that hospital may have had a trauma unit, but the NSA team, if they were NSA, led by Lowery / Hatcher (the guy who Alice 'knocked out') wanted to get Jerry away from Alice ASAP so that she would no longer be in any danger. The chopper then flew him, offscreen, to get patched up. Also we don't know that Jerry was airlifted to another hospital. But we can assume. An NSA controlled hospital. Or private government facility. A place where no questions would be asked.
Answer: They may have been arrested eventually but it would only happen after a lengthy and involved investigation that would extend beyond the movie's timeline.
raywest ★