Die Another Day

Corrected entry: Bond goes to Iceland for the little demonstration. In reality Iceland is not very icy at all. Greenland is the frozen tundra. Iceland is actually quite lush and green.

Correction: The scenes on the frozen lake were filmed in Iceland, so it can't be that green.

Corrected entry: Bond cuts a hole in the ice so that he can swim across to the huge greenhouse. He pushes the circular section that he just cut out down then drops into the hole and starts swimming. Two problems with this - first, the entire area is sitting on a frozen lake. If he pushed the circular block of ice down, it should have just bobbed back up to the surface. Second, when we see the underwater shot of him entering the frozen lake the circular piece of ice he cut out is nowhere to be seen.

Correction: If he'd kicked it at any kind of angle, it would have bobbed up under a layer of ice, not right back into the hole - we never see the very top from underneath.

Corrected entry: In the car chase scene between Bond and Zao you can see a diamond falling off Zao's face.

Correction: It's not a diamond, but a chunk of snow from his coat.

Corrected entry: In the sexy scene where Jinx exits the water in the bikini, when the wave goes down you can see her bikini bottom and that there is no white belt, then it cuts to Bond briefly, then back to Jinx still walking through the water, and the belt is on her now.

Timothy Conard

Correction: The belt is always visible - you can see it poking just above the surface of the water. In widescreen, anyway.

Corrected entry: I can understand how they got the car's body invisible - it's explained by microscopic cameras and a light emitting coating (a technology that's actually being experimented with). But how did they get the windows invisible? There can be nothing mounted on those because then you would not be able to see through them. And if there was nothing on them, the bad guys would see Bond's upper body floating around. This also applies to the headlights, brake lights, etc...


Correction: The windows could be double-faced - ie. have projectors and cameras on both sides of each window. When the car is visible, one side of the pane displays what the other side sees and vice-versa. When the car is invisible, the passenger-side outer pane displays what the driver-side outer pane sees. The passenger-side inner pane displays what the passenger-side outer pane sees. Therefore, the bad guys "see through" Bond, but Bond can see the bad guys.

Corrected entry: Just before Jinx jumps off the top of the cliff and dives into the water, she removes her dress. In the next shot after removing the dress, the dress itself is nowhere to be seen, either on the ground or fluttering into the sea as she dives off.

Correction: In the "Making of" on the DVD, you can see it was so windy that the dress blew a long way away.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the virtual training scene, Bond is cleaning his gun. When he is disturbed, he just pops in a clip and starts shooting. I know he likes to live dangerously, but do all superspies clean their guns with a bullet in the chamber?

Correction: The slide is back while James is cleaning the gun, so the loaded bullet would have been ejected. When he puts the clip in and releases the slide, this would chamber the first round.

Corrected entry: When Gustav Graves parachutes in over Buckingham Palace, that's restricted air space, he would not be allowed to do that, no matter how rich he is.

Correction: They actually did this stunt - click here for more info. Of course, a Bond film and a millionaire's publicity stunt are two very different things.

Corrected entry: Bond shatters the widescreen of his car with his ring to retrieve Jinx. In the shot when his car comes to a stop after exiting the ice palace, the widescreen appears intact.

Correction: We never get a good enough look - inside it's broken, then after the smash through the wall, all of the shots are either blurred or from the side/back, making it too hard to see.

Corrected entry: I find it odd that jeeps and virtually every structure that is hit by Icarus instantaneously explode, yet when the plane passes completely through the beam in the end, it only peels some of the body off.

Correction: The Icarus device reflects and focuses the radiation from the sun. The plane is not at the focus of the beam, which is on the ground below.

Corrected entry: When James Bond cuts a hole in the ice - he does so in front of his visible Astin Martin, which seems to be in the general parking lot, however later in the film the car is still invisible in the restricted area.

Correction: The car that Bond is in front of when he cuts the ice isn't his Aston Martin. It's a Jaguar similar to Zao's.

Corrected entry: Why does the Russian-built transport plane, which is flown by North Koreans, have a verbal altitude warning message in English?

Correction: English is the international pilot's language, hence it would make sense for warnings to be in English too.

Correction: Actually, M says that Frost has worked in Crypotology at MI6 for 3 years - she's only been on this case for 3 months.

Corrected entry: When the plane at the end is first seen, the helicopter is at the back. The same is true when James is seen climbing into the hold of the plane. But when it comes to the end the cars have suddenly jumped to the back.

Correction: Purely a trick of the angle. Look behind the chopper and you can see stuff towards the front of the plane. The order is chopper, yellow car, red car, which is then (of course) reversed when we see a clearer shot out the back of the plane.

Corrected entry: In the car chase scene across the ice plains in Iceland, Bond's car is flipped onto its roof by an exploding rocket. He flips the car upright again by ejecting the passenger seat, yet when he rescues Jinx from the melting room, the seat has magically reappeared for her to rest on. How can this be?

Correction: It could be on hydraulics, so the seat would be retracted afterwards.

Corrected entry: During the scene where Icarus is first set off, illuminating the palace enough that sunglasses are handy to use, notice that even though the light is very intense, neither Bond's nor Jinx's pupils shrink. (01:12:05)

Correction: If the cameraman had zoomed in a significant distance to show irrelevant pupil movement, you would've seen them shrinking, but i guess the director didn't want to show eye and eye movements during this scene.


Die Another Day mistake picture

Plot hole: In the pre-title sequence, James Bond travels in a hovercraft along the dirt road, which is full of landmines. Soon after reaching the waterfall at the end, trucks drive up along the road he just drove in on to capture him. As there was only one road into the waterfall complex, the landmines must have all disappeared, as earlier on in that sequence, we are informed that the only way that the North Koreans can avoid the mines along that road is by hovercraft. (00:12:05)

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Miranda Frost: He'll light the fuse on any explosive situation, and be a danger to himself and others.

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Trivia: This is Pierce Brosnan's least favourite Bond movie of the four in which he appeared. Brosnan disliked the over-the-top special effects and gadgets, and suggested to the producers that the follow-up should be dark and gritty. After Brosnan left, the series was indeed given a grittier reboot.

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Chosen answer: Frost is proud of her martial skills and Sun Tzu's Art of War is considered to be one of the classic texts on warfare, but that's about as far as it goes.


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