Die Another Day
Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the fencing battle between Graves and Bond, Graves has a nasty cut on his right cheek near his ear. When he and Bond meet again in Iceland the following weekend, his right side is shown close up and there is no sign of this despite only being a few days later. (00:56:33)

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the old subway platform when Q is about to introduce Bond to his "new transportation," they both look on as Q clicks a control to bring forth the carriage that has the still invisible Vanquish on it. The carriage almost passes them already when the shot cuts to another angle, and this time the carriage is still approaching on the railtrack from a bit farther away. Also, Q's right arm is now up holding the remote control, when in the previous shot just a second ago it was straight down by his side. (01:05:41)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film as Bond and Jinx are in the helicopter after being dropped from the plane, as he is starting the engine, the caution/annunciator lights turn off 3 times in 3 different shots for no apparent reason whatsoever. (01:59:05)

Continuity mistake: When Bond is with Jinx at the beach in Cuba, he says to her, "It's when their prey comes out to drink." Jinx then takes the glass her from her mouth and brings it down the front of her body, but in the next shot she is drinking from the glass again.

Continuity mistake: When Bond saves Jinx from the flooded room his hair changes from wet to dry then wet again when he gets her out of the car.

Continuity mistake: Just before the hovercraft smashes through the gate, the hovercraft that was overturned in front of it disappears.

Continuity mistake: All three surfers at the start are bare footed, but once on the beach and after, they have footwear - in a supposedly continuous scene.

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Graves are fencing, the amount of blood on Bond's nose increases or decreases randomly between shots, without any logical order.


Continuity mistake: When Jinx takes a sip of her drink, Bond says to her, "Too strong for you?" and you can see takes the glass away from her mouth, but in the next shot she is holding the glass close to her lips.

Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the final fight scene on the plane between Jinx and Agent Frost, Jinx is slashed across her stomach, drawing blood. In a later scene, when Jinx and 007 are pouring diamonds over one another in the hut on the cliff, her stomach is unblemished. (02:02:25)

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James Bond: You know, you're cleverer than you look.
Q: Still, better than looking cleverer than you are.

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Trivia: This is Pierce Brosnan's least favourite Bond movie of the four in which he appeared. Brosnan disliked the over-the-top special effects and gadgets, and suggested to the producers that the follow-up should be dark and gritty. After Brosnan left, the series was indeed given a grittier reboot.

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Chosen answer: Frost is proud of her martial skills and Sun Tzu's Art of War is considered to be one of the classic texts on warfare, but that's about as far as it goes.


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