Eric Qualen: Kill a few people, they call you a murderer. Kill a million and you're a conqueror.
Sarah: Help me! I don't want to die.
Gabe: You're not gonna die.
Kynette: No bullets, bitch!
Travers: Get off my back, Qualen.
Qualen: Off? I haven't even got on it... yet.
Eric Qualen: Travers, have you lost your mind?
Travers: Have I lost it? Fuckin-A, I've lost it, Qualen! Pure fucking Section Eight.
Qualen: You want to kill me, don't you, Tucker? Well, get a number and get in line.
Qualen: I must admit you're a real piece of work.
Gabe Walker: Yeah, and I must admit, you're a real piece of shit. (01:37:45)
Jessie: This rope looks 60 years old. Will it hold?
Gabe: Don't think so.
Jessie: Bad answer.
Gabe: Remember, shithead! Keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times.
Hal Tucker: You son of a bitch! You said you wouldn't kill him.
Eric Qualen: Sue me.
Eric Qualen: Tucker and Walker, you resiliant bastards! You're still alive.
Hal Tucker: Gravity's a bitch, ain't it?
Gabe Walker: I've been working up in Denver.
base Jumper 1: Work? Don't say that word man.
Evan: Man, I hate work. Even when somebody else is doing it.
Eric Qualen: Love is a killer, isn't it?