Star Trek: Nemesis

Corrected entry: When Picard enters the bridge of the Scimitar, he hits a Reman with his Phaser rifle. The Reman drops and Picard sees that the rifle is broken from the impact. In "Insurrection" we saw Worf hit a metal probe with a similar rifle, and his rifle remained intact. Apparently weapons of the future are somewhat weaker then ours and while they can easily withstand the impact with a metal probe, the impact on a Reman skull is too much and it breaks.

Correction: There are several possible explanations. Not all phaser rifles are the same, Worf may have had a stronger model (or even one customised for him to use as a mele weapon). The probe in Insurrection was most likely only covered with a very thin alloy and easily broken (they're not made for battle, merely to hover about). The Reman's skull may be incredibly thick, or maybe Picard's rifle was already damaged somewhat.

Gary O'Reilly

Corrected entry: At one point Data comments that Reman is a difficult language, and we see several examples of Reman language and writing, so why is it at the end, when Picard is aboard the Reman vessel, all of the announcements are in English?

Correction: Picard's universal translator is translating them for him (and, by extension, us).


Corrected entry: In the scene at the beginning where Picard is toasting Troi and Riker's wedding, we see a wide shot of the crew. Wesley is on the far left of his mother. In the wide shot, he isn't there, and then immediately after in a closer shot he is back again.

Correction: Wesley remains there the whole time.

Corrected entry: In the beginning scene at the Romulan Senate, a rebel agent leaves a bomb which kills the whole Senate. Since it has been well-established in the various Star Trek series that Romulans are a devious race with lots of unsavory political dealings going on, why did they not become suspicious of the strange bright red object hurriedly left unattended? And why didn't they think to call security until the thing had already given off a minute-long lightshow which ended up to be toxic?

Correction: They probably stared in amazement for the same reason that people stare at burning buildings.

Corrected entry: Wesley Crusher appears at Troi and Riker's wedding wearing a Starfleet dress uniform. However, just before he joined the Traveler, he resigned his commission as a Starfleet Cadet (and would have probably been drummed out of the service anyway, based on his actions during that episode). Then why is he wearing a Starfleet uniform eight years later?

Correction: Maybe he returned to the academy, just like when people drop out of college but return a few years later.

Corrected entry: When Data and Picard are zooming around the Scimitar inside a stolen Scorpion craft, why don't they blow disrupter holes throughout the entire ship, thereby crippling it? A Scorpion is much more than a match for any of the Remen warriors walking around with disrupter rifles.

Correction: I'm sure that Picard and Data are more interested in escaping with their lives than inflicting damage on the Reman ship.

Corrected entry: When the viewscreen of the Enterprise is blown away, leaving just a hole in the hull for the crew to look through, all you can see is space. The bridge of the Enterprise is on the top of the saucer section. You would have been able to see half of the saucer section from that hole.

Correction: This would be true only if the bridge were on the same level as the entire saucer section. The bridge is in fact on an elevated portion in the center of the saucer section. It would be like looking out the window of a 10 story building. You could see things far away from the building, but in order to see buildings that are short and close to the building you're in, you would need to walk up to the window and look straight down.

Corrected entry: Data is an exceptionally good shot, as established in some of the holodeck scenes of the series and in combat. He is also very fast. Why did he not clear the entire deck of Remans in the Scimitar corridor fight scene involving himself and Capt. Picard?

Correction: In that scenario Data would be shooting the Remans whilst trying not to be shot, and Picard would be trying to open the shuttle bay door. Bearing in mind Data (the superfast thinking/acting android with a perfect memory of the codes he has attemped) takes several attempts to open the door how long do you think it would have taken Picard to do it?

Corrected entry: In almost every film about The Next Generation, they crash their ship and they get a new one, and Starfleet doesn't say a thing about it. Yet good ol' captain Kirk gets punished because he loses a starship in an earlier movie.

Correction: The reason Kirk is reprimanded is that he also stole the Enterprise that was destroyed in "The Search for Spock."

Corrected entry: Why is Worf involved in the movie? In ST: First Contact, he was commanding the Defiant and in ST: Insurrection, he spent his holidays on the Enterprise. But would he have been there in ST: Nemesis?

Correction: It seems Worf took some time off for the wedding and ended up getting himself caught up in the whole Nemesis thing. That is why he is there.

Corrected entry: For being one of Starfleet's best and brightest, Captain Picard forgets a key tactical advantage when his ship is compromised by a Reman boarding party. When he first encountered Shinzon, Picard had trouble seeing him because the lights were severely dimmed. Shinzon points out that this is for the benefit of the Remans, who aren't comfortable (perhaps even blinded) in bright light. Yet it never occurs to Picard to brighten up the lights when the Remans board.

Correction: Just because the Remans find bright lights uncomfortable, it doesn't mean that they're unable to function in bright areas. Bringing up the lights would make it easier for the Reman attack force to spot the defenders - this problem would outweigh any possible tactical advantage from raising the light levels.


Corrected entry: Picard has been captain of the Enterprise for 15 years. His clone is much older than 15 and yet never had his accelarated aging process activated. Thus Picard must have been cloned long before becoming captain of the Enterprise ... how did the Romulans know who Picard was, much less that he would become important enough to warrant a covert operation to clone him?

Correction: Picard was one of the youngest officers ever to captain a starship (the Stargazer), a post which he reached at the age of 28, before most of the other members of the Enterprise crew were even born. As such, he'd undoubtedly be considered a man to watch, one likely to rise to the higher echelons of Starfleet - hence the Romulan plot to clone him.


Corrected entry: When Shinzon is impaled with the spike at the end of the movie, only the tip of the spike is covered with blood. If he is impaled, the whole thing should be drenched.

Correction: When a person is impaled by an object, the object actually keeps most blood vessels from bleeding profusely. That is why if a person becomes impaled in real life emegency workers will not remove the object, and then it is only removed in the O.R.. Granted most people will not further impale themslves as Shinzon did.

Corrected entry: Before the space battle, Picard is seen walking the corridors of his ship while Patrick Stewart provides a voice-over about commanders leading forces into battle. Crewmen are seen distributing phaser rifles and running to security staions. Later, the Remans beam a boarding party onto the Enterprise, on Deck 29. Picard orders Riker to take care of it. Riker and Worf have to gather a security team, travel 29 decks though a battle-damaged starship, and locate the intruders. Where did all those security officers with the rifles go?

Correction: Only one team was actually seen handing out rifles, and they could have easily been killed by the Scimitar attacks.

Corrected entry: The Romulan (and Reman) weapons are disruptors, that disrupt the material bonds of the molecules. The Federation weapons are phasers, a variation of lasers, which heat/burn matter. How did Picard weld with a disruptor?

Correction: Surely, a weapon "that disrupt[s] the material bonds of the molecules" would cause localised heating in its target (the energy from the disrupted bonds has to go somewhere)? Therefore, you cannot state categorically that it is impossible, or even implausible (by Star Trek standards), that a disruptor could be used for welding. In theory, it would not be dissimilar to microwave, induction, and radio frequency welding techniques used in the real world.

Corrected entry: In one particular episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher sets a phaser to fire automatically. Why couldn't Data have done the same and then escaped from the Simitar before it's destruction?

Correction: What good is an automatically firing phaser when the transporter was disabled? And he had no time to jump through space again.

Corrected entry: The transporter is damaged near the end of the movie just before Data blows up the Scimitar. How does Picard instantly get transported back to the Enterprise when Data slaps the transponder device onto Picard's lapel?

Correction: The transponder device is a transporter system which operates independently from the ones on the Enterprise.

Corrected entry: It is well known from the ST-TNG series that Data in unable to use contractions. During the wedding scene, Data uses a contraction when singing the Irving Berlin song: Blue Skies. He sings "Noticing the days hurrying by, when you're in love." "You're" is a contraction.

Correction: They're lyrics which is has memorised, it isn't a sentence he has generated himself.


Corrected entry: When the Scimitar disables the second Romulan vessel with pin point disrupter fire, the warbird loses all power and coaxes to a stop. The laws of physics state that an object in motion remains in motion and in the vacuum of space, the Romulan vessel should just keep on moving.

Correction: Star Trek Ships have Inertial Dampners. If a ship has no inertia, it will not keep moving when it loses engine power.

Corrected entry: When the Viceroy jumps into a Jeffries tube Riker yells for Worf to cover him so he can follow the Viceroy. Worf jumps foward and to the ground and starts shooting and Riker runs right in front of him while Worf is firing his Phaser rifle. Riker's legs should've been blown off.

Correction: Worf does pause momentarily to let Riker pass. Then he resumes firing.

Continuity mistake: In the latter half of the movie, Picard looks at a picture of himself from his days as a Starfleet Academy cadet while Beverly looks on too. This picture is actually the actor Tom Hardy (Shinzon, Picard's clone) and he appears with a completely bald/shaved head. Showing Picard bald as a cadet completely contradicts the TNG series. In the TNG episode 'Tapestry', a flashback set in 2327 (the year Picard graduated from the Academy), Picard is shown with a full head of hair. Also, in the TNG episode 'Violations', a flashback set in 2354 shows Picard with a partial head of hair when he takes Beverly to see her dead husband Jack's body. (00:46:25)

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Suggested correction: It's entirely reasonable that he might have shaved his head for a time. People don't necessarily keep the same hairstyle their entire life.

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Captain Picard: In his quest to be more like us, he helped show us what it means to be human.

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Trivia: On the artwork for the widescreen DVD disc and the insert, Picard is shown wearing his old uniform from "The Next Generation," instead of the uniform he wore in this movie.

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Question: Who becomes the Enterprise's new first officer since Data's death? I know about the deleted scene which shows a new first officer meeting Picard, but since it was deleted I assume it never actually happened. The only person I can think of is Worf but does anyone know for sure?

Answer: It's unknown, and, with no TNG films on the horizon, will most likely remain that way for some time. Without information to the contrary, it's probably reasonable to assume that, despite the scene being deleted, Commander Martin Madden (the new first officer seen in that scene) does indeed take the position.


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