Clear And Present Danger

Visible crew/equipment: When the lone Huey helicopter comes to rescue Jack Ryan from a roof top, the reflection of the filming helicopter can be seen in its window.

Visible crew/equipment: When the Coast Guard Captain is looking through her binoculars at the yacht the camera switches to the binoculars' point of view to show the yacht in the distance. The front of another boat is visible just below the back of yacht, this couldn't be the front of the coast guard vessel so it would have to be whatever the film crew was using to get the binoculars' point of view of the yacht probably just a few feet away.


Factual error: A bunch of troops are in heavy camouflage in helicopters, going to an assignment. The officer in charge tells them to take their dog tags off and empty their pockets of anything that could identify them. This is silly: first, in troop helicopters, the troops wouldn't be able to hear the officer's voice - it's too noisy - and second, this would be ingrained in them, to remove dog tags etc, and would have been done back at the base, before they left.


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Jack Ryan: Who authorized this?
Ritter: I'm sure they'll ask you that.
Jack Ryan: Who authorized it?
Ritter: I have no recollection, Senator.

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