Alice in Wonderland

Continuity mistake: After the carpenter cuts the bread he tosses the saw up the air. Check the lower part of the table and you'll notice that the saw magically vanishes, it never continues its fall below the table.


Continuity mistake: The carpenter goes to the kitchen to fetch bread and pepper and leaves his plate on the table. When the Walrus leaves the menu standing the plate has vanished.


Continuity mistake: When the Walrus is about to eat the oysters and asks for bread, the carpenter's knife and fork disappear.


Continuity mistake: The shell next to mother oyster's calendar is on the middle part of it, but a shot later it is on the left side of the calendar.


Continuity mistake: When Walrus walks inside the water to talk to the oysters, the calendar, plants and little blocks next to the mother oyster disappear in the wide angle only to reappear in the close-up.


Continuity mistake: After Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum do the Shake hands dance and say "that's manners!" the way Alice's skirt folds changes between shots.


Continuity mistake: During the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum scene Alice walks inside a tree trunk. Its shape changes in every single shot at least 4 times.


Continuity mistake: When Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum show up, the tree where Alice looks if the rabbit is hiding has a huge bush on the right that disappears a shot later.


Continuity mistake: When Alice arrives at the shore where the Dodo is her hair gets soaking wet when the waves crash on her, but the second time this happens her hair is dry and perfectly brushed and remains this way for the rest of the scene.


Continuity mistake: When Alice arrives ashore where the Dodo is and fish step on her head three stones behind her suddenly appear between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Alice lies by the brook the shore is really short, and it makes a turn to the right where a big rock is. When the rabbit appears the rock is gone and the shore is really long, with cattails everywhere.


Alice in Wonderland mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While sitting on the branch Alice's cat suddenly disappears only to reappear in the following shot. A shot later, Alice sits down and she reaches for the cat who is at arm's length.


More mistakes in Alice in Wonderland

Queen of Hearts: Who's been painting my roses red? WHO'S been painting MY roses RED? /Who dares to taint / With vulgar paint / The royal flower bed? / For painting my roses red / Someone will lose his head.
Card Painter: Oh no, Your Majesty, please! It's all his fault.
Card Painter: Not me, your grace! The ace, the ace.
Queen of Hearts: You?
Card Painter: No, two.
Queen of Hearts: The deuce, you say?
Card Painter: Not me! The three.
Queen of Hearts: That's enough! Off with their heads.

More quotes from Alice in Wonderland

Trivia: This film has more songs and speaking characters than any other Disney film.

More trivia for Alice in Wonderland

Question: In the scene when the Mad Hatter is "fixing" the rabbit's watch, the Hatter exclaims "It was!" before the rabbit states that the watch was an unbirthday present. Is this on purpose? Or an editing mistake?

Answer: Actually, the White Rabbit sees his damaged watch, says "Oh! My watch". THEN the Mad Hatter says "It was!", then the White Rabbit says that it was an unbirthday gift. So the exchange of dialogue makes sense.


Answer: I think it is an editing mistake. The Mad Hatter is way too excited as if he had just heard it was an unbirthday present.

More questions & answers from Alice in Wonderland

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