Trivia: This film was set in the summer time but recorded in November and the field they set the film in was so muddy they had to spray paint the mud green so it looked like grass.
Trivia: As mentioned in the 'mistakes' section, Barbara Windor's bra was snatched from her with the aid of a fishing line. What is not so widely known, however, is the shot that made it into "Carry On Camping" was, in fact the second take of that shot. On the first take of getting Ms. Windsor's bra to fly though the air, the bra did NOT come off - Barbara Windsor was pulled and landed face down in the mud.
Trivia: After Barbara Windsor's bra is pulled off, you can see that she is determined to keep covered at all costs. Kenneth Williams then says to Hattie Jacques, "Matron, take them away" and she grabs hold of Barbara's arm, uncovering all to see. The scream that Barbara lets out at this point was genuine.