
Signs (2002)

44 corrected entries

(13 votes)

Corrected entry: When Graham comes back home from Ray's house Merrill and the kids are sitting on the sofa. Morgan's book on aliens is lying on the coffee table on top of another, bigger book, first diagonal, then, when the camera angle changes, straight. (01:00:05)


Correction: In between the two shots is a lingering shot of Graham asking what the book says abot the aliens' intentions. Plenty of time for Morgan to have reached for the book, especially given that Graham is asking about it.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: In the scene where Graham hears Bo scream, he uses his right hand to open her bedroom door. In the shot from inside the room, his left arm is outstretched as if he had opened the door with that hand.

Correction: We don't actually see his left hand holding the doorknob. Being right-handed, it makes sense for him to use his right hand to open the door. But since the door swings leftward, he would use his left arm to nudge it further open.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: The dad walks into a room with glasses of water all over the place (this is after the night when the alien was on the roof) and his daughter is watching a cartoon, called "Dexter's laboratory". In the episode she's watching a scene is missing, in between the part where the father hits the bug off the ladies' hair and the part where the character says "do it up".

Correction: Content is often edited when episodes are rerun in syndication to allow for more commercial breaks.

JC Fernandez

This is generally not true of cartoons with short segments such as Dexter's Laboratory. Even if it were, Dexter's Laboratory has never been syndicated. Reruns are shown through Cartoon Network or the Cartoon Network owned Boomerang and they are never edited for additional commercial breaks. In addition it would not have been syndicated at the time the movie is set, as the film was released during the original run of Dexter's Laboratory in either the 4th or 5th season.


Corrected entry: When Graham and his brother are nailing the doors shut against the aliens, they go into a room and pull the door shut behind them and then begin to nail boards over the door sill. This will not keep the aliens from opening the door and pushing the boards away from the sill. Not much protection here.

Correction: The doorway however would still be blocked. Having the doorway blocked is still better than not having it blocked.

Continuity mistake: When the deputy sheriff comes out of the house, her ink pen is sticking through the hole in her pocket flap but not in the pocket itself. After she turns around at the car, her ink pen is inside her pocket and not "flapping" loose as it was just a split second before. (00:21:15)

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Bo: There's a monster outside my room, can I have a glass of water?

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Trivia: When the alien's hand comes out of the coal grate for Morgan, if you look closely you will see that the hand was already through the grate and the alien was using its colour changing abilities to hide. So if you look very closely you will that that the hand comes UP from the grate and not through it, and if you look VERY carefully you can see the outline of the hand even before Morgen says "What?"

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Question: Do the individual aliens have cloaking abilities? It seemed at that the dogs were reacting to something that the people could not see. Were they smelling cloaked aliens? Were they going crazy to protect their human owners and that was misinterpreted as an attack on the people? I thought they are walking around at least invisible at times to do their work without detection. I may be wrong on that.

Answer: The aliens were not cloaked, not invisible. They had a chameleon-like ability to change their appearance to match their background. Recall the alien's fingers turning plaid when he held the boy. They seem to be that green color when not camouflaged. The better senses of the dogs did allow them to detect the aliens. However, one of the effects of alien presence noted in the movie was a change in personality; that is what happened to the dogs.


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