Parry: What do you think of the death penalty?
John the bum: Death is definitely a penalty! It ain't no fuckin' gift.
Jack Lucas: Of all the people in this city, I can't believe I met the guy whose wife I killed.
Jack Lucas: Where would King Arthur be without Guinevere?
Parry: Happily married, probably.
Jack Lucas: Well, that's a bad... that's a bad example.
Homeless Cabaret Singer: I'm Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Jack - I can't find my baby.
Jack Lucas: I'm hearing horses! Parry will be so pleased.
Jack Lucas: I wish there was some way I could just pay the fine and go home.
Parry: C'mon, Jack, what do you think the Crusades were? A Pope's publicity stunt?
Parry: Mendacity.
Parry: I'm surprised some man just doesn't come in here and snatch you up all for themselves.
Anne Napolitano: You're surprised?
Jack Lucas: Did you lose your mind all at once, or was it a slow, gradual process?
Jack Lucas: I was attacked, two kids tried to set me on fire.
Jack Lucas: Ever get the feeling you're being punished for your sins?
Jack Lucas: Jack Lucas: I can't believe I'm on a first name basis with these people.
Parry: Come back, we'll rummage.
Parry: There's three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer.
Anne Napolitano: Have another drink, Jack, it's on the house. Like everything else.
Anne Napolitano: I've been dating longer than I've been driving.
Parry: You have a great set of... dishes.
Anne Napolitano: Jack, he's trying to start a con-vuh-sation.
Jack Lucas: Then talk to him, he won't bite you.
Anne Napolitano: Have another one, Jack. It's on the house... just like everything else.