The Cable Guy

Trivia: The guy who starts to read when the satellite signal is lost at the end of the movie is Kyle Gass, the other half of the band Tenacious D, of which Jack Black is also a member.

Trivia: In the beginning of the film, we see on the television some serial killer that is being busted, that appears two or three times in the movie, but the killer is Ben Stiller, he was the director of The Cable Guy.

Continuity mistake: The morning after the party at Steven's, Chip is at Steven's house making eggs for them, watch closely as Chip eats. While they are talking about Heather being a prostitute, Chip repeatedly loses the eggs off his fork, but continues to put the fork in his mouth, and makes a sound like he is actually eating the eggs. He does it about 4 or 5 times during their whole conversation. (00:50:35)

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Sam Sweet: [911 call being played.] Oh my God! Oh my God! My twin brother has been shot! I think it was an Asian gang or something... There was this guy, he looked Asian... And he was speaking another language, I'm pretty sure it was... Asian.

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Question: At the end, Chip gets airlifted to hospital because of the fall he sustained jumping from the top of the dish. But after he's discharged, would he be arrested by the police and convicted after everything he did throughout the whole movie? eg. Stalking, harassment, stealing, breaking and entering, making a false call to the police, spying, beating up Robin's new boyfriend, etc.

Answer: More than likely yes. And most probably sent to a phyciatric hospital.


Answer: Could be very likely a no. I live in Alaska where someone attacked two women, was found "incompetent to stand trial" and released, and then he stabbed a woman in the back. She's now paralyzed from the waist down and he has again been deemed incompetent. He was released to psychiatric care, but if they deem him not a danger at any point, he can be released and nobody he's attacked would be notified about it. There's a really upsetting article about it on the anchorage daily news website, actually.

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