Corrected entry: This may seem like nitpicking, but the drunk mosquito that Flik approaches which drinks a round of blood is a male, when, in reality, only female mosquitos suck blood. Males actually consume flower nectar, like many other insects.
Correction: There's a difference between sucking blood and drinking blood like it's alcohol for a gag. In reality, bugs don't hang out in bars and perform in circuses for other bugs to watch. In real life, the male mosquito's proboscis isn't strong enough to pierce skin, but here, there is no skin to pierce, so the male can easily drink the blood.
Correction: Well the mosquito has to be a male because right after he finishes drinking the blood Flik asks the mosquito if it is all right, and he calls the mosquito "sir."
Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, Hopper gets one of his antennae yanked off by one of the pill bugs. If you look at his head, though, as Flick is yelling for help, you can see both antennae are intact.
Correction: Tuck/Roll broke off only a part of the antennae not the whole thing as you can see when they are playing with it, it isn't that long.
Correction: Really? Just because it looks like a male doesn't mean it's a male. Frances the Ladybug looks like a female, but he's male.