Bring it On

Bring it On (2000)

2 other mistakes - chronological order

(6 votes)

Other mistake: During the Toros last routine at the Nationals competition, they throw two girls in the air while they're lying horizontally. Look at the group standing around the people throwing the girl on the right; you can see one of the guys lift his arms up as if to cheer and then looks behind himself to watch the others.

Other mistake: At the end of the movie, when Torrance and Missy are talking, Torrance has the Spirit Stick in her right hand, she then tosses it to her left hand but it keeps going. It does not land in her left hand. It looks like she just throws it to the side.

Character mistake: When Missy is at her audition, Courtney and Whitney get annoyed and tell her to do a sequence, (front handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring stepout, roundoff back handspring, full twisting layout). However, when Missy starts the sequence, she starts with a cartwheel instead of a front handspring.

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Football Announcer: Our next defeat is scheduled for next Friday, 8 o'clock.

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More trivia for Bring it On

Question: What is the age difference between Missy and her brother Cliff?

Answer: I believe that Missy is a Junior (16-17) and Cliff is a Senior (17-18).


Answer: No, the TV interviewer calls her a senior. They're the same age.

Brian Katcher

More questions & answers from Bring it On

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