Plot hole: In what appears to be at least an hour or so after curfew is put in effect, Challis goes to a liquor store. Even if he didn't know about the curfew, why would the liquor store still be open?
Plot hole: At the very end of the film where Dr. Challis sneaks behind one of the computers and turns on the "commercial" in hopes of destroying Cochran and all of his robot employees, once the commercial starts you see some of the employees panic and go into hysterics and try playing around with the computers to try and stop the commercial, but they seem to not know what they are doing. However, though only 20 minutes earlier, Cochran's employees knew exactly how to start and stop the commercial perfectly when doing the "test" on little Buddy and his family.
Chosen answer: She was turned into one when she was captured. The robots didn't speak and if you notice that after he finds her, she never says a word. As well, she displayed genuine emotion throughout the film before she was captured, something the robots also never did.
I agree, she was a real person until she was captured. If she were a robot, I think Chalice would have found that out when they made love. Plus, as you mention, she had real emotions until her robot replacement was rescued.