Revealing mistake: When the Penguin is sliding down the zip line, just before he hits Batman you can see Batman throwing a punch at nobody, he is swinging at empty air.
Revealing mistake: In the first shot of Adam West and Burt Ward driving in a beige '66 Imperial convertible, the camera zooms out above the car - but not before you can see that the two men in the car are stand-ins for Adam and Burt.
Revealing mistake: Batman is lowered into the ocean and a shark attacks his leg. When Robin in the Batcopter pulls both Batman and the shark up out of the water, the very fake looking shark has gallons of water pouring out the back of it where there must have been a large hole.

Revealing mistake: When the Batboat leaves the dock, heading out to sea, the blurred rotors of the camera helicopter are constantly seen across the top of the shot. (00:20:40)

Revealing mistake: Whenever the moving Batmobile is emitting flames from the afterburner, like when it leaves the Batcave for the first time, an object is hung below the exhaust port that resembles a camcorder. The gadget is part of the equipment added to make the car shoot flames while moving. During the TV series, flames are only seen in close-up of the car motionless, as this was a prop comprised of a copy of just the last few feet of the car. On TV, the car's rear license plate is visible. In this film, it's partially blocked by the added equipment. (00:03:35)
Revealing mistake: The Batcave was a stage set with no real exit for the car. So when the car exits for the first time here, one shot is looking into the cave from the tunnel as the Batmobile approaches and passes to our right. Just before the shot ends, the rear end of the car jumps upward and tire skid marks appear on the floor as the driver slams on the brakes to avoid hitting the studio wall that is out of the shot, while the audio suggests the car is still accelerating. (00:03:40)
Revealing mistake: After leaving the Batcave for the first time, the Batmobile is shown from overhead, cruising down the road. It's painfully obvious the occupants are not Burt Ward and Adam West. (00:03:50)
Revealing mistake: When the Batmobile emerges from the Batcave for the first time, the guard rail lays down and the car turns toward our right, disappearing in a cloud of dust. Watching carefully reveals the dust is being kicked up because the car was over-accelerated by the stunt driver, and spun out, heading back into the roadside brush. (00:03:45)

Revealing mistake: When Batman brings the Penguin to the Batcave the Batmobile skids to a stop on the gray floor. It then begins to rotate in the next shot and it's now on a black platform. When the Penguin emerges from the car and walks toward the rear of it, the platform is obviously gone. (01:06:10)
Revealing mistake: The swords and wrench used in the final fight were poorly made rubber items as they shake and bend whenever they hit something.

Revealing mistake: All the rear shots of the Batmobile in motion show flames emitted from the afterburner. But in the shot of it leaving the pier, the flames go out a few moments before the shot ends. The effects equipment failed or ran out of fuel. (00:30:40)
Revealing mistake: As Riddler is going overboard after being spun around by Batman with the deck gun, it's obviously a stunt double in green tights.
Revealing mistake: When Batman and Robin are ascending up the side of a building while holding onto a rope, you can see the lines pulling on the bottom of their capes, so that they can give it the effect that Batman and Robin's capes are hanging down in the vertical position. (01:00:00)
Revealing mistake: As the camera watches the duel between Batman and Penguin, the wall of the set is painfully obvious, as you can see lines and ripples in the scenery of the sky.
Revealing mistake: After hitting the Riddler and Joker, a thug with the red and white striped cap goes to hit Batman. As he does, Batman starts to turn away from the oncoming punch well before the man's fist is even near him.
Revealing mistake: As the Batmobile approaches the camera on the pier, the tire tracks from a previous take are visible on the deck boards, and as the Batmobile nears, it follows the tracks precisely.
Revealing mistake: When Robin is trying to get the sub to surface using Bat Depth Charges, the sub is rocking violently. The rack that contains the vials with the Security Council's dust not only sways back and forth, but lies nearly flat several times, and always at impossible angles. This goes against physics, and gravity. The rack should have fallen off the table more than a few times.
Revealing mistake: Whenever you see the underwater shots of the sub, and the torpedoes, you can see the sides of the pool where the filming was done.
Revealing mistake: When the Batboat is approaching the buoy, you can see that the sky is painted background. You can see the ripples in the wall matte rial.
Answer: The timeline of the movie is important to consider. The 1966 film began production while season 1 of the TV series was being aired. Eartha Kitt didn't play Catwoman until season 3. According to the TV show "Biography", Newmar was suffering from a back injury and unable to reprise her role for the movie. But she was able to recover by the time they started shooting the 2nd season. So, for the movie they hired Meriweather.