Miles Logan: Hey, this is the police. Move your busted-ass vehicle. Move, move, move, move. This is the LAPD. We'll pop one in your ass. We got guns and shit.
Tulley: That guy Logan owes me $50,000... If I don't get it soon, I'M talkin'.
Miles Logan: Yo tengo el gato los pantalones.
Carlson: You just said you have a cat in your pants.
Miles Logan: Damn. What happened? Did you eat the whole time I was in there? Wait a minute, that's all right. I can adjust, it's the love that counts. I can adjust to a plus size woman, just more cushion for the pushing.
Shawna: Janiece! Your sad-ass sack of bones is here.
Miles Logan: I apologize, you're her cousin. Can I buy you some cereal?
Miles Logan: Put your hands on the Oodles of Noodles.
Tulley: Chicken or beef?
Miles Logan: Chicken. Cool. Cool is good.
Tulley: Miles?
Miles Logan: Tulley? What are you doing?
Tulley: I'm freaking working over here.
Miles Logan: Diaz, is it? Diaz?
Detective Diaz: With a 'Z'.
Tulley: I'll rip your lips off, and kiss my ass with them shits. I'll rip your tongue out, and lick my balls with it.
Tulley: Then he said I was ugly and I couldn't read good.
Answer: Yes, however Malone is not a real cop, only pretending to be one. Therefore it is safe to assume he would not know procedures of the police department and would not think his prints would be run by the FBI. He thinks he is safe because he is a cop. That's how big his ego is.
Yes, but the reason they don't worry about fingerprints is because they decided to immediately set up the sting operation, since they only had hours before the package was to be delivered in 3 hours. So, they had to hurry and make it there in time to do the bust.