George III: No life is without its regrets yet none is without its consolations.
Warren: When will you get it into your head that one can produce a copious, regular and exquisitely turned evacuation every day of the week and still be a stranger to reason.
George III: When felons were induced to talk, they were shown first the instruments of their torture. The King is shown the instrument of His... to induce Him not to talk.
Dr. Willis: If the King refuses food, He will be restrained. If He claims to have no appetite, He will be restrained. If He swears and indulges in meaningless discourse... He will be restrained. If He throws off his bed-clothes, tears away His bandages, scratches at His sores, and if He does not strive every day and always towards His OWN recovery... then He must be restrained.
George III: I am the King of England.
Dr. Willis: No, sir. You are the patient.
George III: What of the colonies, Mr. Pitt?
Pitt: America is now a nation, sir.
George III: Is it? Well. We must try and get used to it. I have known stranger things. I once saw a sheep with five legs.
Fox: God rot all royals! Give us the wisdom of America.
Prince of Wales: To be Prince of Wales is not a position - it is a predicament.
Fitzroy: To be kind does not commend you to kings. They see it, as they see any flow of feeling, as a liberty. A blind eye will serve you better.
Thurlow: The cork's too tight in the bottle, that's the trouble. He must be the first King of England not to have a mistress.
Pitt: Fifteen children seem to me to indicate a certain conscientiousness in that regard.
Thurlow: I'm talking of pleasure, not duty.
Thurlow: Your Majesty seems more yourself.
George III: Do I? Yes, I do. I've always been myself, even when I was ill. Only now I seem myself. And that's the important thing. I have remembered how to seem.
Fox: You see that the King did not write his own speech, Mr. Pitt.
Pitt: The King will do as he's told, Mr. Fox.
Fox: Then why not be rid of him? If a few ramshackle colonists in America can send him packing, why can't we?
Prince of Wales: Assaulted by both one's parents in the same evening! What is family life coming to?
George III: Push off, you fat turd.
George III: Six hours of sleep is enough for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool.