Colonel Trautman: I don't think you understand. I didn't come to rescue Rambo from you. I came to rescue you from Rambo. (00:45:25)
Rambo: NOTHING IS OVER! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win, but somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to the world, and I see all those maggots at the airport, protestin' me, spittin', callin' me "Baby Killer!", and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me, huh?! Who are they, unless they been me and been there, and know what the hell they're yellin' about?!
Sheriff Teasle: Are you telling me that 200 men against your boy is a no-win situation for us?
Colonel Trautman: If you send that many, don't forget one thing.
Sheriff Teasle: What?
Colonel Trautman: A good supply of body bags. (00:48:05)
Sheriff Teasle: Whatever possessed God in heaven to make a man like Rambo?
Colonel Trautman: God didn't make Rambo. I made him.
Rambo: I could have killed 'em all, I could kill you. In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go.
John Rambo: Why are you pushing me? (00:06:40)
Deputy Galt: You know boy, I think I'm starting to dislike you...a LOT.
Rambo: For me, civilian life is nothing! In the field, we had a code of honor: You watch my back, I watch your's. Back here, there's nothin'!
Chosen answer: No he doesn't kill anyone. He didn't know if he was surrounded or not and if he did encounter one from the side they might have shot him.
Grumpy Scot
Rambo killed Galt, albeit indirectly and unintentionally. In the US, "manslaughter involves causing the death of another person in a manner less culpable than murder." Rambo was responsible for throwing a projectile that struck the helicopter, causing the pilot to lose control resulting in Galt falling to his death.
But if Galt had been buckled in, he'd have lived. He was behaving recklessly. Yes Rambo's rock was involved, but that's two steps removed from Galt's death. Rock thrown -> pilot overreacts -> Galt falls because he wasn't strapped in properly. Galt's own behaviour and the pilot's reaction are more at fault than Rambo. This isn't a court, by most reasonable standards Rambo didn't kill Galt.