Prince Feisal: And I must do it because the Turks have European guns. But I fear to do it. Upon my soul I do. The English have a great hunger for desolate places. I fear they hunger for Arabia.
T.E. Lawrence: Look, Ali. If any of your Beduin arrived in Cairo and said: "We've taken Aqaba" the generals would laugh.
Sherif Ali: I see. In Cairo you will put off these funny clothes. You'll wear trousers and tell stories of our quaintness and barbarity and then they will believe you.
T.E. Lawrence: You're an ignorant man.
T.E. Lawrence: Do you think I'm just anybody, Ali? Do you?
Prince Feisal: To be great again, it seems that we need the english... or.
T.E. Lawrence: Or?
Prince Feisal: What no man can provide, Mr. Lawrence. We need a miracle.
Jackson Bentley: What is it, Major Lawrence, that attracts you personally to the desert?
T.E. Lawrence: It's clean.
Prince Feisal: There's nothing further here for a warrior. We drive bargains. Old men's work. Young men make wars, and the virtues of war are the virtues of young men. Courage and hope for the future. Then old men make the peace. And the vices of peace are the vices of old men. Mistrust and caution. It must be so.
T.E. Lawrence: There may be honor among thieves, but there's none in politicians.
General Allenby: I fight like Clausewitz, then you fight like Saxe.
T.E. Lawrence: We should do very well, then, shouldn't we?
Mr. Dryden: If we've been telling lies, you've been telling half-lies. A man who tells lies, like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half-lies has forgotten where he put it.
Colonel Brighton: Damn it, Lawrence! Who do you take your orders from?
T.E. Lawrence: The Law says the man must die... If he dies, would that content the Howitat?
Auda abu Tayi: Yes.
T.E. Lawrence: Sherif Ali. If none of lord Auda's men harms any of yours, will that content the Harith?
Sherif Ali: Yes.
T.E. Lawrence: Then I will execute the Law. I have no tribe and no-one is offended.
Auda abu Tayi: The desert has dried up more blood than you can think of.
T.E. Lawrence: Michael George Hartley, this is a nasty, dark little room.
Hartley: That's right.
T.E. Lawrence: We are not happy in it.
Hartley: It's better than a nasty, dark little trench.
T.E. Lawrence: Then you're an ignoble fellow.
Hartley: That's right.
T.E. Lawrence: I'm to "assess the situation."
Colonel Brighton: Hmph! Well that won't be too difficult. The situation's bloody awful.
Sherif Ali: I do not understand this. Your father's name is Chapman.
T.E. Lawrence: Ali, he didn't marry my mother.
Sherif Ali: I see.
T.E. Lawrence: I'm sorry.
Sherif Ali: It seems to me that you are free to choose your own name, then.
Auda abu Tayi: What ails the Englishman?
Sherif Ali: The one he killed is the one he brought out of the Nafud.
Auda abu Tayi: It was written then. Better to have left him there.
General Allenby: I've got orders to obey, thank God. Not like that poor devil. He's riding the whirlwind.
Mr. Dryden: Let's hope we're not.
T.E. Lawrence: I cannot fiddle but I can make a great state of a small city.
Sherif Ali: What are you looking for?
T.E. Lawrence: Some way to announce myself.
Sherif Ali: Be patient with him, God.
T.E. Lawrence: My lord, I think... I think your book is right. 'The desert is an ocean in which no oar is dipped' and on this ocean the Bedu go where they please and strike where they please. This is the way the Bedu have always fought. You're famed throughout the world for fighting in this way and this is the way you should fight now.