
Avalanche (1978)

4 revealing mistakes - chronological order

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Revealing mistake: When a huge avalanche falls on the red skier, the scenes of the snow falling are scratched and full of dirt, revealing it's stock footage.


Avalanche mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Caroline (Mia Farrow) is hanging off the broken bridge railing, in the wide angles she is replaced by an obvious stunt. Furthermore, when David rescues her, the stunt woman is always acting calmed and natural, even helping David, as opposed to the close-ups of Farrow, nervous and trembling.


Avalanche mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the father and son climb out of the chairlift and hold on for their lives, the kid is very obviously replaced with a grown-up stunt.


Avalanche mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After the birthday dinner and dance, the exterior shots of snow falling show the snow being sprayed from a lower point on the right side of the screen. Shot changes and now it's being sprayed from somewhere behind the bleachers.


Continuity mistake: Before David and Nick sit by the counter, a waitress rushes by. Several seconds later, they stand up and the waitress is now behind them, walking hurriedly again.


More mistakes in Avalanche

David Shelby: I'm going to work with the wonders. Do you wanna watch?
Florence Shelby: What are you going to do, freeze the Red Sea?
David Shelby: For you, anything.
Florence Shelby: But not outdoors.
David Shelby: Next year, indoors.

More quotes from Avalanche

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