Avalanche mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: When the father jumps on the firemen's jumping sheet, one can see that he's very few centimetres away from safely landing on it. However, in the immediate close-up he crashes against the floor, which is more dramatic, but ludicrous nonetheless.


Avalanche mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After the birthday dinner and dance, the exterior shots of snow falling show the snow being sprayed from a lower point on the right side of the screen. Shot changes and now it's being sprayed from somewhere behind the bleachers.


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David Shelby: I'm going to work with the wonders. Do you wanna watch?
Florence Shelby: What are you going to do, freeze the Red Sea?
David Shelby: For you, anything.
Florence Shelby: But not outdoors.
David Shelby: Next year, indoors.

More quotes from Avalanche

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