Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Continuity mistake: There are six doves sitting on the wishing well in the start, but at least eight different ones are seen flying away when the prince comes.

Continuity mistake: When the animals all run away from the cottage because the dwarves are coming home, there are only white sheets over Snow White. However, we later see her with a multi-colored quilt over her too.

Continuity mistake: When Dopey comes into Snow White's room alone, there is a pot on a shelf next to the door. The next time anyone comes in the door is when the dwarves all come together, and in that scene the pot is gone.

Continuity mistake: When Doc makes Dopey go up the stairs to investigate, he hands him the candlestick and Dopey grabs the side opposite the handle. In the next shot he's holding it with his thumb through the handle.

Continuity mistake: During "Whistle While You Work," while the birds are arranging flowers in a pot, an extra flower suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Movie_Freak 1

Continuity mistake: When the dwarf's first come to their cottage, Dopey slams the door shut. A little later, when they all run out, the door is wide open.

Continuity mistake: When the dwarfs are coming home for the first time and they all smash into each other because Doc notices the lights are lit, he is holding the lamp and then it swings behind him and disappears for the rest of the scene.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Snow White opens the door to the cottage of the Seven Dwarfs, there's a latch hook attached to the door handle, but when the Dwarfs return home and Doc opens the door that latch is gone, but it's back again when Dopey slams into the door.

Super Grover

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Dwarfs' cottage has a window beside the front door which has a line of circles at the top and an irregular geometric pattern below, but when the animals hear the Dwarfs singing "Heigh-Ho" they rush downstairs, and as they pass that window it now has all circles.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When the queen comes down to her secret lab to transform herself and to make the poisoned apple, we see a crow perched on a skull. Throughout the scenes in the lab, the skull sometimes has an opening on the top and sometimes doesn't.

Continuity mistake: The cobwebs on the broom change between the two shots of it leaning in the corner.

Continuity mistake: The dirt on the dwarves hands appears out of nowhere in the scene where Snow White is asking them whether or not they have washed.

Continuity mistake: When Snow White walks to the well and sings, the branches around the left column change style between shots. Also, a leaf appears/disappears randomly.


Continuity mistake: When Dopey sees Snow White for the first time, he runs away in fear and drops the candle while doing so. Later in the film, when all seven dwarves come into her room at once, the candle can not be seen on the floor.

Continuity mistake: When the dwarfs pull the covers off of Snow White, her left arm touches her head, but in the closeup of Snow White sleeping, her arm is not touching her head.

Doc: Shh! Not so loud. You'll wake her up.
Grumpy: Ah, let her wake up! She don't belong here nohow.

More quotes from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Trivia: In the Swedish dub (and possibly others too) the text appearing on screen is narrated by the Prince.

More trivia for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Question: When the animals go to tell the dwarves about the witch trying to kill Snow White, why is Grumpy all of a sudden concerned about her? He's the first one to say that they have to go rescue her and then is leading them back to the cottage, although up to that point he hasn't liked her at all.

Answer: He's oppositional, sure, but that's just who he is. It doesn't mean he doesn't like her.


More questions & answers from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

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