Wonder Woman: Nice suit. Looking good, Flash.
Flash: Oh, uh thank you.
Wonder Woman: [To Batman] And you are welcome.
Batman: My ego's far too big to say "thank you" to someone else. I developed this all powerful persona to compensate for my childhood trauma.
Al Falcone: I too have childhood trauma.
Wonder Woman: The Lasso of Truth. Never gets old.
Batman: [Struggling to get the Lasso off] I'd do a lot better just giving all my money away. If I really wanted to end crime, I should end poverty.
Flash: [Helping with the Lasso] I know sex exists. But, I've just never experienced it.
Barry: [Seeing an alternate version of Bruce] Well who the fuck is this?
Bruce Wayne: If you were to go into the past, you have no idea what the consequences would be.
Barry Allen: Bruce, I could fix things.
Bruce Wayne: You could also destroy everything.
Barry Allen: Time has a pattern that it can't help reliving. Different people, different worlds, drawn to each other like magnets.
Barry Allen: I completely broke the universe! I created a universe with no metahumans, and now there's no-one to defend us.
Barry Allen: Want some help?
Barry Allen: Are you in?
Bruce Wayne: Tell me something. You can go anywhere you want, right? Any timeline, any universe. Why do you want to stay and fight for this one?
Barry Allen: Because this is the one where my mom lives.
General Zod: We've been expecting you.