Factual error: The picture of the brakeline leaking is actually a fuel filter. The car would run out of gas. It would not have brake problems.
Factual error: In the scene where Ruby and Rhett walk into their bedroom and they find a Nintendo 64 on the ground, Rhett immediately sits down and inserts a game. Within seconds, he's playing a game without even logging in or choosing a level and so forth.
Answer: The first time the information was written down was more than likely when Alvin Begleter (the trust attorney) initially contacted the Child Services rep, as it was through him that she found out about Ruby and Rhett's situation in the first place. At the time, the social worker would have written down what Mr. Begleter was telling her so that she could a) have something to refer to when she later visited Ruby and b) so that she could compare the two versions to make sure there were no discrepancies between the story she got from the attorney and the version from Ruby.