Jurassic World Dominion

Jurassic World Dominion (2022)

28 mistakes - chronological order

(8 votes)

Jurassic World Dominion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Owen wraps the rope around the tree stump, the position of the rope changes between shots. Note the gap between the ropes. (00:08:30)


Deliberate mistake: The decaying tree trunk would have more than likely broken into pieces and/or uprooted from the force exerted by the rope tethered to the pulling Parasaurolophus when Owen wrapped the rope around the trunk to stop the heavy-weight dino, but the trunk held up without even losing a shred of bark. (00:08:36)


Revealing mistake: After Owen gets a lasso around the neck of the Parasaurolophus and is pulling on the rope, the noose loosens when it should remain taut. Also, the knot was in the center-front of the dino's neck and should have stayed there, but it somehow moved a couple inches clockwise. As Owen continued holding the rope tightly, the knot should have moved back to center-front or be too tight for the dinosaur to breathe. Next, based on the angle of the rope, the knot would be near the top of the neck. (00:08:41 - 00:09:30)


Jurassic World Dominion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Owen latches on the parasaurolophus he stops it with a tree trunk. He loses grip on his rope, leaving just a small bit of rope. He then ties a longer piece around the trunk. (00:08:44)

Other mistake: Maisie rides her bike down the snow-covered hill, but when she stops in front of the cabin there is no snow in or on the tire treads and the tires look dry. (00:12:23)


Continuity mistake: Maisie set the front tire of her bike against the side railing of the steps to the cabin. It looked like it might have been sliding down when the camera shifted. Even if the bike did slide onto its side, it was at a different angle on the ground and too far away from where it had been propped. A little later when Owen and Claire where about to go up the stairs, the bike's rear tire was along the front of the steps, not side. (00:12:28 - 00:14:32)


Jurassic World Dominion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ellie is talking to the farm owner, her position in relation to the tractor changes from the closeup to the long shot. She ends up further away. (00:19:10)


Jurassic World Dominion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ellie is caressing the baby dinosaur, she has both hands on it's face. When the shot changes one hand is now on the concrete barrier. (00:25:00)


Jurassic World Dominion mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Masie walks into her room and slams the door, making some items fall off the shelf, the remaining items differ when Claire goes to open the door a few seconds later. (00:27:20)


Continuity mistake: Blue's baby was standing along her left side when Owen told Maisie to breathe. After a quick camera shift, the baby dinosaur was further back, standing on a log that was more perpendicular to Blue. There had not been any sound suggesting that the baby dinosaur had moved, but there were footstep sounds after the baby jumped off the log. (00:27:47)


Jurassic World Dominion mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the truck stealing Blue's baby drives off just as Owen spots it, dirt tracks are visible in the fresh snow from previous takes. (00:28:10)


Continuity mistake: When Owen and Claire were sitting at the outside table talking to Franklin, the amount of water in their glasses changed a few times (but neither drank any). Side-rear views of Owen's glass tended to show it about half full, but front views varied from quite low to about two-thirds full. Front views also showed discrepancies in the amounts of water in Owen's and Claire's glasses, such as both about half-full but later Owen's glass two-thirds full and Claire's less than half full. (00:32:00 - 00:33:05)


Factual error: When Alan and Ellie are flying over the frozen mountain lake on the way to Biosyn, the plane flies over the dam. The dam is concave towards the water. The convex side of a dam always faces the water. Otherwise the dam would collapse. (00:34:54)

Revealing mistake: While in the helicopter, Alan's eyes do not align with the location of the Dreadnoughtus. Alan is looking to his far right before the helicopter even approaches the dinosaur and it is shown across the front of the screen. Alan's eyes then stay fixed straight ahead (even after passing the dinosaur), giving the impression he's looking at the dinosaur, but he would have needed to keep turning his neck to the right as the helicopter flew past in order to keep it in sight. (00:35:14)


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Suggested correction: It's a common movie trope. The two things aren't happening in sequential order. They're happening at the same time. Alan isn't looking before the helicopter approaches the dinosaur...you're seeing the inside of the helicopter as it approaches and passes the dinosaur. They're happening at the same time.


Continuity mistake: Before Ellie went into the building to hear Ian's presentation, she was wearing a royal blue sleeveless coat over a brown long-sleeved blouse and had a large brown shoulder bag/purse. When Ellie entered the auditorium, as well as when she went outside after the presentation, she was not wearing the blue coat plus she now had a wallet-sized hand purse but no large shoulder purse. Even IF there was a coat check-in, Ellie would not have left her shoulder purse/bag behind. (00:37:06 - 00:40:13)


Continuity mistake: Alan had a large brown shoulder bag before he went into the building to listen to Ian's speech, but (like Ellie) did not have his shoulder bag when he got into the lecture hall or after exiting the building. (00:37:20 - 00:40:13)


Factual error: The deer in the forest somehow does not hear the giant dinosaur approaching, so doesn't run away. (01:21:10)

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Suggested correction: A different interpretation is that the deer knows the difference in the sounds - gurgling/roars of an approaching herbivore versus carnivore - so it didn't perceive it as a threat until it got unusually close (so the deer looked to see why). The dinosaur flung the deer aside, then proceeded to eat the vegetation where the deer was. It isn't likely that the dinosaur (if a carnivore) would toss aside a fresh deer meat brunch in favor of some green brush.


Continuity mistake: After Claire dives into the lake to avoid the dinosaur from spotting her, when she sticks her head out, her hairstyle changes between shots. (01:21:54)


Revealing mistake: Before the Jeep roll-over, the four people inside were looking upward through some type of 2"x2" fencing (?) as the roof to see the bugs on fire in the sky. The Jeep had a luggage rack and luggage on top, so the "fence" as part of the roof did not make any sense (other than for filming purposes). (01:43:55)


Continuity mistake: During the Jeep's roll-over down the hill, at least the front passenger tire was bent outward/damaged. (It looked like two tires flew off, but all four tires were still on when the Jeep landed on its roof.) The positions of the four tires varied a few times afterwards, from being straight to turned to the left to turned to the right and the tire that was bent outward appeared to be intact (not damaged). (01:44:52 - 01:47:32)


Ellie Sattler: Genetic power has now been unleashed.

More quotes from Jurassic World Dominion

Trivia: Bryce Dallas Howard has stated that the studio pressured her into losing weight for the first two films in the trilogy. When this third film came about, she fought back, and director Colin Trevorrow supported her. Since both Howard and Trevorrow have more clout now due to their success in Hollywood, the studio finally relented and Howard was able to make the movie with her natural body. She said this helped with her stunt work and performance, since she wasn't weak from forced weight loss.


More trivia for Jurassic World Dominion

Question: When we first see Alan Grant, he and his team are excavating old dinosaur bones. Given that this is a time when Dinosaurs roam freely on earth, why is he even bothering? He could learn far more from simply studying a live dinosaur than its bones. And secondly, given that dinosaurs are alive and free, who is gonna have the slightest interest in bones that are millions of years old. I considered this a goof, but I'm opened to any explanations.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The live dinosaurs are genetically tweaked recreations, they're not the "pure" dinosaurs of the past, which would still be of great interest. Plus just like any other archaeology or historical study, there's always more to be learned about the past, and a great many people are interested in what the past has to teach us.

Answer: Agree with the other answer but would add that while to date about 1000 species of dinosaurs have been identified, it is believed there are at least 1,000 more types that existed and are still to be discovered and studied. Only a tiny fraction of the known species were cloned by In-Gen and Biosyn, and, as noted in the other answer, they are not genetically pure. Also, there is much to learn about dinosaurs' habitat, range, species evolution and decline, mating habits, health and diet, the existing climate at the time, and so on. That would be why paleontologists like Alan Grant continue digging.


Answer: The existing answers are good. In the movie, Alan Grant actually asked, "Why do we dig?" and answered his question, "Because paleontology is science [fossil animals and plants], and science is about the truth. And there is truth in these rocks." [00:20:52].


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