
Trivia: When Richie is watching YouTube, the video review he watches talking about "Stab 8" features a cameo from James A. Janisse and his wife Chelsea Rebecca. They are popular YouTubers who run various horror-themed shows on their channel "Dead Meat." As of 2022, they have over 5 million subscribers.


Trivia: As a bit of fun, the principal cast reportedly had a "movie night" midway through shooting on Halloween, 2020 where they ate popcorn and watched the original 1996 "Scream."


Trivia: Part of the reason Mason Gooding was cast in the film is that he was a massive fan of the original "Scream," and even wrote an essay about it in college. He let the producers read the essay while he was auditioning. The producers were very impressed by his passion for the franchise and his audition, and he was immediately hired.


Trivia: MINOR SPOILER ALERT FOR "SCREAM 4"/"SCREAM (2022)! When Richie is watching videos on YouTube, there is a thumbnail with an interview about a "Woodsboro Survivor," next to a picture of Kirby Reed from "Scream 4." It has been confirmed that this canonically means Kirby survived the fourth film, which has been a popular fan-theory, since she was stabbed and last seen in a pool of blood... but was shown to still just barely be breathing. (Her fate was left purposely ambiguous in "Scream 4.").


Trivia: The first film in the series not directed by Wes Craven, who tragically passed away in 2015. However, series creator Kevin Williamson, who wrote "Scream," "Scream 2" and "Scream 4," did return as an executive producer and has confirmed he worked closely with the new writers by offering notes, feedback and suggestions throughout the writing process to help them sculpt a proper "Scream" sequel.


Trivia: Some theaters had a bonus scene that appeared right before the film started in which Ghostface (voiced by Roger L. Jackson) appears onscreen and essentially hints that he will murder anyone who gives away any spoilers.


Trivia: There are tons of hidden voice cameos from former series cast/crew. Drew Barrymore provides the voice on the school loudspeaker. Matthew Lillard is the voice of "Ghostface" in "Stab 8." And during the party, Barrymore, Lillard, Adam Brody, Hayden Panettiere, Jamie Kennedy and Henry Winkler provide background voices, alongside series crew members Kevin Williamson, Marco Beltrami, Patrick Lussier and Julie Plec. Original director Wes Craven's widow Iya Craven also has a voice cameo at the party.


Trivia: The first "Scream" movie not produced/distributed by Dimension Films and its associated companies, which were partially owned by Harvey Weinstein. Spyglass Media Group bought the rights to the franchise after Weinstein's infamous sexual abuse scandal, when Dimension/The Weinstein Company began selling off their properties.


Trivia: Samantha "Sam" Carpenter's surname is a reference to director John Carpenter. Her preferred first name is likely a reference to Sam Loomis from Psycho and Dr Samuel Loomis from Halloween, considering her father is Billy Loomis.

Trivia: Sam and Tara's mother Christine is said to have gone to high school with Sidney and Billy. In the original movie, a minor character who her friend calls "Christy" walks past Sid and Billy in the hall and shoots them a dirty look.

Trivia: !MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR "SCREAM (2022)! Towards the end of the movie, it is revealed that Tara's friend Amber is one of the two killers. If you look at the credits, the movie was co-written by famed screenwriter James Vanderbilt... whose wife also happens to be named "Amber." This is either an incredibly bizarre coincidence, or Vanderbilt decided to include a truly odd tribute to his wife in the film by naming a psychotic killer after her... either way, it's pretty darned funny.


Trivia: David Arquette enjoys painting in his free time, and even became an officially certified "Bob Ross Painting Instructor" by taking classes based on the popular artist's work a few years ago. He would often spend downtime on set having "art classes" where he would teach cast and crew how to paint like Ross.


Trivia: At around 38 minutes into the movie, you can see a framed photo of David Arquette and Courteney Cox. This is a real photo that was taken at the two actors' wedding in 1999.

Trivia: When Dewey is watching Gale on the news, you can just barely hear a joke Gale makes about not wanting to have bangs ever again. This is a reference to Gale's unfortunate hairstyle in "Scream 3," which features some truly horrendous looking bangs. The look became something of a joke and later a meme, so the line was added as a subtle joke.


Trivia: Neve Campbell almost didn't return because she didn't want to make a "Scream" movie without Wes Craven at the helm. What persuaded her was a letter she received from the new directors, explaining their passion, admiration and respect for Craven's work. The letter quickly won her over and she joined the film soon after.


Trivia: When the dedication to Wes Craven appears at the start of the credits, you can faintly hear the sound of birds chirping. Craven was quite well-known for being an avid birdwatcher, and also fought to protect endangered species of birds. He even helped get legislation passed to ban the use of lead ammunition, which can fragment on impact and harm birds and other wildlife if accidentally ingested. The sound of birds was added as a tribute to his passion.


Trivia: It is briefly mentioned that Sidney Prescott's former home is located on "Elm Street." This is a reference to the film "A Nightmare on Elm Street," which was directed by original "Scream" director Wes Craven. (Supposedly it was going to be mentioned in the original "Scream" as well, but the reference was cut for whatever reason).


Trivia: The only "Scream" movie not to be scored by Marco Beltrami, who did the music for all four of the previous films. However, new composer Brian Tyler did use some pieces and snippets of Beltrami's themes in a few key places throughout the score.


Trivia: The first, and as of 2023 only, "Scream" movie in which someone is not killed in the opening scene. In every other "Scream" movie, two or more people are killed in the opening scene. This movie instead subverts the trope by implying Tara is killed before revealing that she survived her attack.


Trivia: SPOILERS: In the climax, Amber is soaked in hand sanitizer and set in fire. Amber's actress Mikey Madison had previously appeared in Quentin Tarantino's "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" which came out less than three years prior... where her character is similar killed by being set on fire. (Albeit with a flamethrower.) Given Madison is only 22 and has only appeared in six live-action feature films... that's actually a pretty interesting (and darkly funny) coincidence.


Continuity mistake: In the scene outside the hospital, when Gale and Sidney try to make the protagonist reconsider her plan to leave, Courteney Cox's hair changes position in front of either shoulder several times between shots.


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Answer: As far as I can tell, It's never stated in the movie how he found out about that. Maybe Sam told him off screen when he "learned " that Billy Loomis was Sam's biological father.

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