Run Hide Fight

Run Hide Fight (2020)

1 audio problem - chronological order

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Audio problem: She's holding a suppressed AR-15 type rifle made to look like a mk12 mod 1. When she fires the shot it sounds unsuppressed. Firing a rifle with a suppressor is still loud but hearing safe, this shot required hearing protection. (01:39:00 - 01:40:30)

Audio problem: She's holding a suppressed AR-15 type rifle made to look like a mk12 mod 1. When she fires the shot it sounds unsuppressed. Firing a rifle with a suppressor is still loud but hearing safe, this shot required hearing protection. (01:39:00 - 01:40:30)

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Zoe Hull: I didn't expect to deal with this scenario but there's unfinished business to tend to. You see, it's tempting to let nature run its course. The lungs will fill with blood and the animal will die naturally but with that process comes extreme pain and it just isn't right to let it suffer. Or is it?

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