Mugger: Give me your money! Your wallets!
Larry Wilson: Oh, get your ass out of here! It's too hot!
Richard Parker: There's too many people around.
Larry Wilson: It's New York City. There's always too many people around.
[Richard's in the water behind the boat and Larry is returning.]
Richard Parker: Stop the boat, you idiot! Stop the boat!
Larry Wilson: Where...where are the brakes?
Richard Parker: Boats don't have brakes, captain!
Larry Wilson: "A little brown-nosing, a little ass-kissing, work our way up that corporate ladder?" WHY can't you be a lazy shit like I am?
Larry Wilson: What kind of a host invites you to his house for the weekend and dies on you?
Security Officer: Hot enough for ya, Larry?
Larry Wilson: No, Harris! Why don't you turn up the heat?
Security Officer: OK, I'll tell the engineer.
Larry Wilson: Rich, look at Lomax. My god. Look at her. Jesus, that guy. Beautiful apartment, house at the beach, babes, a boat, a car. You know how much it cost to park a car in Manhattan every month? More than my rent.
Richard Parker: Well, I mean, it's only fair. His car is a bit bigger than your apartment.
Larry: So my apartment is small. It's dark, it's hot, it's in a high crime area. Beats living at home with mom and dad.
Tawny: Bernie? Hi. Is Bernie around?
Larry Wilson: Hello. No, haven't seen him. But, we just got here. We're gonna be here all weekend. We're house guests.
Tawny: Well, tell him Tawny borrowed his boat to go skiing.
Larry Wilson: Hi, Tawny. I'm horny.
Gwen: You wanna sit down?
Richard Parker: No, better not! No! The way things are going, I'm gonna break my ass!
Richard Parker: Well, you're a half hour late.
Larry Wilson: Only half hour? I'm usually forty-five minutes late. I'm early today.
Larry Wilson: This is good for me.
Larry Wilson: We could call the cops, Richard, but you know where we'd be spending our weekend. In some... goddamned hot police station answering questions we don't know the answers to.
Larry Wilson: Why don't we just pretend he didn't die? Just for a bit.
Larry Wilson: How do you like that? The guy gets laid more times dead than I do alive.
Answer: Yes it would, but Bernie was a greedy and selfish man, he would have bribed contractors and inspectors to get it built. He wanted to live the life of a big shot. Like "The Wolf of Wall Street."