Continuity mistake: When Wonder Woman says "He's back" looking at the freshly resurrected shirtless Superman, the policeman by the patrol car is leaning against it differently compared to the previous line-up shot; he was lowering the hand with the radio, then talking on it. (02:40:40)
Continuity mistake: When Lois randomly appears on the battlefield, she drops the handbag while one of the policemen tries to restrain her. The bag is behind the original position when the shot changes. (02:46:50)

Continuity mistake: After Silas is killed, in the wide shot Cyborg is standing mostly upright in front of Flash. Cut to a closer shot and he's bent over. (02:51:45)
Continuity mistake: When Superman is hugging his family, Martha has suddenly at the cut her hand on his sleeve when he says "Listen, Ma..." (03:01:15)
Continuity mistake: Steppenwolf begins to synchronize the Mother Boxes, and the event is perceived in Themyscira as well. The amazon that spots it has her left arm straight then bent in the reverse shot. (03:04:55)
Continuity mistake: Alfred notices in his drink the disturbance caused by Superman's approach and pauses his work to stare at it, but in the next shot when Supes lands he is still working on the engine. (03:17:25)
Continuity mistake: Superman is pummelling Steppenwolf, and Darkseid's portal starts appearing. Wonder Woman turns around to face it in two shots; Aquaman in the first shot has the trident standing vertical, it's more slanted forward in the next. (03:24:45)
Continuity mistake: When Wonder Woman readies her sword (which makes also a sound) in front of the portal to Apokolips, wind blows her hair behind her back in the frontal view. Cut to the view from the back, and the hair is in front of the shoulders. (03:24:55)
Continuity mistake: When Aquaman like a true hero impales the bad guy from behind, Superman in the background is assuming the stance raising his fist. In close-up his arms are both lowered. (03:30:25)
Continuity mistake: When Flash talks to his dad at the end of the movie, he puts a paper against the security glass. The paper is tilted towards his right a bit, but in the reverse shot it's tilted more heavily and in the opposite direction, and so it stays for the rest of the scene. (03:37:05)
Continuity mistake: Clark is thanking Bruce for the house. They both look in the distance at Lois and Martha; there are a couple guys fetching boxes near the carpenter, on both sides of the workbench, but they are nowhere to be seen in the new closer angle. (03:38:00)