Corrected entry: When Lydia is writing her suicide note, she crumples up her first attempt. Then she says one sentence, but when the camera shows her paper, it is filled halfway up with writing.
Corrected entry: The couple dies after falling from the bridge and falling into the water. When they go through the chalk door, they see people who have died. All the others show how they died: the woman who was cut in half, the burned guy, the run-over guy. So wouldn't Adam and Barbara be blue because they drowned?
Correction: Not really. The others, despite bearing their physical injuries, didn't display any odd skin coloring (like redness or anything). And we dont know how the afterlife works.
Correction: The full note (as seen on the screen) reads: "I am utterly alone. I can no longer stand being used as a tool between two deceitful world's. By the time you read this, I will be gone having plummeted off the Winter River Bridge." By the time she gets to "by the time you read this...." she's almost sobbing.
Michael Westpy